Welcome to “Echo’s Phila House,” where philately reigns supreme as the King of Hobbies. Our site is dedicated to uniting friends passionate about collecting and organizing Bangladeshi philatelic treasures. Featuring a Gateway to Bangladeshi Philately and an Exotic Gallery, we showcase the diverse facets and checklists of this revered hobby, including innovative philatelic creations to aid fellow enthusiasts.

Beyond standard attributes, our site highlights Creative and Exhibit Philately, showcasing exquisite pieces akin to treasured jewels in the world of philately. Virtual Exhibits provide valuable reference materials for those exploring related themes, while Creative Philately exemplifies the inventiveness, diligence, comprehension, and visionary skills of philatelists.

Join us as we celebrate the art and knowledge of philately, aiming to inspire and promote this beloved hobby.

A Brief about Author: Robert Howard Courtney

Robert Howard Courtney has led a fascinating life enriched by his diverse interests and contributions to philately, writing, and cultural exploration. Here’s a summary based on the information provided:

Robert Howard Courtney was born on April 20, 1938, in Port Huron, Michigan, USA. His journey into stamp collecting began at the age of 8, inspired by his mother’s childhood collection. Starting with U.S. stamps and First Day Covers, his collecting interests expanded over the years to encompass various themes.

After graduating from high school, Courtney attended Port Huron Junior College, where he earned an Associate of Arts degree. He then pursued his passion for anthropology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Following his academic pursuits, he embarked on a journey through Central America, immersing himself in different cultures and languages. In total, he has visited 31 countries and studied nine languages, reflecting his deep curiosity about the world.

Courtney’s writing career began with editing and writing for “The Arab World Philatelist,” a publication that gained international recognition. His dedication to philately extended to compiling catalogs, including one on Dubai when no such catalog existed for its philatelic material. He further contributed to the field with his “Bangladesh Stamp Catalog” and “Revenue Stamps of Bangladesh,” showcasing his meticulous research and dedication to documenting philatelic history.

Beyond philately, Courtney’s diverse interests led him to compile a catalog on U.S. space-themed postmarks and publish a book detailing the jazz posters and itinerary of The Art Ensemble of Chicago, highlighting his versatility as an author and researcher.

Robert Howard Courtney’s life and career are a testament to his passion for exploration, cultural understanding, and his significant contributions to philately and literature. His works continue to be valued resources for collectors and enthusiasts worldwide.

A Brief about Co-Author & Web Developer: Zahidul Islam Echo

Zahidul Islam Echo’s journey in philately began at a young age in Sirajganj, Bangladesh, under the influence of his older brother Obaidul Islam. Inspired to collect stamps at the age of 10, he soon developed a deep passion for the hobby. Under the guidance of Mr. Md. Manzur Kader from Old Post Office Road, Sirajganj, Echo honed his skills and learned how to participate in philatelic exhibitions.

His dedication and expertise grew over the years, leading to notable achievements such as winning first place in the junior group at the Bangladesh National Philatelic Exhibition (Banglapex 1992) in Dhaka. Echo further expanded his horizons by moving to India for higher education from 1994 to 1999, where he absorbed knowledge from various Indian philatelists.

Echo’s international acclaim in philately was solidified when he participated in the World Stamp Exhibition in New Delhi in 1997, where he earned the prestigious Vermeil Medal in the Youth group. Representing Bangladesh, he also took part in four FIP exhibitions, showcasing his expertise on a global stage.

Currently residing in Australia, Echo has continued his passion for philately by participating in numerous national stamp exhibitions across Australia and New Zealand. His dedication and achievements in these exhibitions have been recognized with the highest accolades, including the Large Vermeil medal.

In addition to his active participation in the philatelic community, Echo founded “Echo’s Phila House,” a website dedicated to promoting and celebrating Bangladeshi postage stamps. His goal is to enrich philately in Bangladesh by sharing knowledge, fostering interest, and showcasing the beauty and significance of Bangladeshi stamps to collectors worldwide.

Echo participated in the World Stamp Exhibition in New Delhi in 1997 and won the Vermeil Medal in the Youth group. He participated in 4 (four) FIP exhibitions from Bangladesh. Currently, Echo resides in Australia and participated in 8 (eight) national stamp exhibitions in Australia and New Zealand and won the highest Large Vermeil medal.

Echo is the founder of “Echo’s Phila House”, a website dedicated to Bangladeshi postage stamps, and he desires to enlighten philately in Bangladesh.


At The Echo’s Phila House, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of information exchange and mutual learning. Our goal is to cultivate a vibrant stamp collecting community where members can interact, share their collections and experiences, and exchange ideas. We take great pride in promoting philately as not just a hobby, but a platform for connecting enthusiasts and enriching their passion for collecting stamps. Join us in exploring the world of philately and expanding our collective knowledge together.


In the realm of philately, forgeries are counterfeit stamps created with the intention to deceive collectors and even the governments that issue stamps. Distinguishing between genuine stamps and forgeries is crucial to maintaining the integrity and authenticity of your stamp collection.

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