The Vehicle Test Fee stamps were applied to the Certificate of Fitness, indicating the vehicle was in good running order. The test was required at least yearly. Some documents have a six month period indicated on them, rather than a full year.
This listing ends in 1991 and it is not known if stamps were required after that year.

A hand painted drawing of a proposed design for the stamps.

An approved die proof of the Tk10 value for 1977.
Profile image of a solid colored truck facing left. Below the truck is a panel for writing the post office telephone number. Above the truck is a panel that is straight across the bottom but has partial circle in the top center part of the panel. The value is written in that panel, and the year date above the panel.
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*Tk.2 – brown
*Tk.2 – brown
*Tk.5 – brown.
Silouette of a truck.
Perf.: 14
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*50p – light and dark brown
*Tk.1 – light and dark brown
*Tk.2 – light and dark brown
*Tk.4 – light and dark brown
*Tk.5 – light and dark blue
*Tk.7.50 – brown
*Tk.10 – light and dark blue
*Tk.13 – light and dark blue
*Tk.25 – light and dark blue
*Tk.50 – light and dark blue
*Tk.100 – light and dark blue.
Truck near bottom on top of white panel at the bottom. Cloud-like panel above truck with denomination.
Perf.: 12
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
27 October 1983.

*Tk.1 – orange and blown
*Tk.2 – blue and gray
*Tk.4 – dark green and gray green
*Tk.5 – blue
*Tk.10 – red
*Tk.15 – gray and brown
*Tk.25 – tan and gray
*Tk.50 – blue-green and yellow-green
Tk.100 – red.

This is a great document as it has numerous values of the series on it. There are two Tk.1, one Tk.5, four Tk.10, two Tk.15 and one Tk.50. The vehicle was tested on 27 October 1983 and must be retested on 26 April 1994, six months later.
Similar to above but chagned year date.
Perf.: 12
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
27 October 1983.

*Tk.2 – blue and gray
*Tk.5 – dark blue/blue
*Tk.10 – red and pink
*Tk.15 – brown and gray
Tk.25 – dark blue and lightblue
Tk.50 – dark green and light green.

This 29 April 1984 document has two Tk.5 and one Tk.15 stamps on it.
New design, larger stamp.
Perf.: 14
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
8 June 1985.

Tk.2 – light blue
Tk.4 – dark brown
*Tk.5 – yellow
*Tk.10 – green
*Tk.50 – light green
*Tk.100 – light blue.

This form from Dhaka has six of the Tk.5 yellow stamps and one Tk.50 stamp. The yellow stamps are almost impossible to read, or even see the image. It was a very poor choice of colors. The stamps were cancelled with a pen and by being punched, leaving a hole in each stamp. All stamps seen for this year have been punched, as well as drawn through with a pen. This certificate of fitness for a 1980 Vespa was only good from 8 June 1985 – 7 December 1985.
New design with square with arch and truck.
Perf.: 11
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
17 July 1986.

*Tk.1 – reddish-purple
*Tk.2 – blue
*Tk.4 – green
*Tk.5 – beige
*Tk.10 – brown
*Tk.25 – beige and green
*Tk.50 – purplish-red and lilac
*Tk.100 – blue and green
*Tk.200 – green and purple.

A vehicle test form with 20 copies of the beige Tk.5 stamp stating it is good from 17 July 1986 to 29 July 1987. The stamps were cancelled with a rubber stamp that says “CANCELLED” in Bangla.
New design, larger stamp.
Perf.: 14
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
8 June 1985.

*Tk.5 – beige
*Tk.10 – brown
*Tk.20 – green and blue
*Tk.25 – purple-red and light green
*Tk.50 red and light purple
*Tk.100 – purple and turquois.

The above Certificate of Fitness has seven Tk.25 brown and light green stamps. The stamps were cancelled using a rubber stamp that says “CANCELLED” in Bengali.
Same design as above with changed year date.
Perf.: 11
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*Tk.5 – beige
*Tk.10 – brown
*Tk.15 – deep orange
*Tk.20 – green
*Tk.25 – reddish-brown and light green
*Tk.30 – black and gold
*Tk.50 – red and lilac
*Tk.100 – dark blue and light green.

This Certificate of Fitness from 1988 has four Tk.100 purple and turquoise stamps. They were cancelled with a rubber stamp stating “CANCELLED” in Bangla.
1989 - Provisional
The 1982 Tk.100 stamp was surcharged vertically on the left side of the stamp with the year “1989” and a red bar through “1982”.
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*Tk.100 – blue with red surcharge.
Design same as above with changed year date.
Perf.: 11
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

50p – purple
Tk.1 – brown
*Tk.2 – blue
Tk.4 – green
*Tk.15 – pinkish-red
Tk.30 – dark brown/orange.
Provisional stamps. During this period old stamps from previous years were overprinted, with the year dates obliterated.
Perf.: 12
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
Tk.100 – red (1983)
Two different designs.
New design with panels on the sides and a square tipped on it’s end in the center of the stamp behind the value panel.
Perf.: 11 1/2
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
30 July 1990.

50p – color (?)
*Tk. 1 – blue
*Tk.2 – purple
*Tk.4 – green
*Tk.5 – orange
*Tk.10 – lilac
*Tk.25 – orange and black
*Tk.30 – purplish-brown
*Tk.50 – blue and black
*Tk.60 – pink and black
*Tk.100 – green and black
*Tk.200 – green and black
*Tk.500 – orange and black.

This document has three red Tk.5 stamps and seven Tk.30 purple stamps which paid the fee for the fitness of the automobile. The two stamps illustrate the different sized value panels found on the stamps.The Certificate of Fitness was good from 30 July 1990 to 29 July 1991. The stamps were cancelled by a pen.
New design with panels on the each side, white panel in the center top with the values. No diamond shape and bottom panesl is taller, making the truck higher in the stamp than the previous 1990 issue. Again, the date is along the right side, vertically placed.
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*Tk.200 – green and black
*Tk.500 – orange and black.
Three different designs appeared with the dates 1990 – 91.
The new type one design has a scalloped panel above the truck with the years written in it and a different design of the truck now appears.
Perf.: 14
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*Tk.5 – red
*Tk.10 – green
The type two design is similar to the earlier issues with a lot of geometric design in the frame and behind the images and value in the higher values. The center looks like alarge shield in white with other colors printed within it.
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:

*Tk.1 – brown
*Tk.1.50- dark green
*Tk.5 – green
*Tk.10 – brown
*Tk.20 – brown and pink
*Tk.25 – maroon and turquoise
*Tk.30 – black and lilac
*Tk.50 – reddish-brown and orange
*Tk.100 – Reddish-brown and orange
*Tk.200 – barown and light green
*Tk.300 – brown and turquoise-blue
*Tk.400 – redish-brown and pink
*Tk.500 – red and light blue
*Tk.1000 – brown and light gray
Type three is the most modern in appearance of all the Vehicle Traffic Fee stamps. A modern design of a truck is in the center of the stamp within an Islamic design curbed arch at the top. There is a row of small rectangles under the above panel and truck. The white value panel is superimposed over the small rectangles making the one one each side larger.
Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
13 Seotember 1990.

*Tk.20 – orangish-yellow and maroon
*Tk.25 – light green and red
*Tk.30 – light green and black
*Tk.50 – blue and purple
*Tk.60 – yellow and green.