SIDDIQUE MAHMUDUR RAHMAN, (born: 4 September 1946, Jashore, Bangladesh (the then British India), is an ardent researcher, prolific litterateur, a successful translator, an efficient editor and printing and publication specialist. Siddique’s father, Fazlur Rahman (1912-1982, served in the Education and Foreign services during Pakistan period, had a good number of books on juvenile literature, his mother, Sajeda Rahman (1922-1992, had her Adyabharati degree from Biswabharati University and was a homeopathy doctor and an authoress.
Siddique had his school education from Kolkata during 1953-65 (due to his father’s foreign posting), BA in 1969 from Jashore, Bangladesh (then East Pakistn). He could not complete is MA due to Liberation War of 1971. He had his B.Ed degree in 1978 and MA in English in 1980 from Rajshahi University.
Siddique edited and published, Asian Voice, a pen-friendship magazine during 1966-1980. He worked in establishing Danbir Hazi Mohammad Mohsin High School at Murali, Jessore during 1974-75. He worked in different organizations in administration, printing, publishing, editing and translation during 1980-2006. He was attached to airlines and travel periodical The Bangladesh Monitor and travel guide Dhaka Calling during 2003-2006. He also worked as project coordinator of the Dhaka representative of Raffles Hospital, Singapore Tourism, SingHealth, Emirates and Qatar Airways during 2004-2006.
Siddique served as Adjunct Faculty Member, Printing and Publication Studies, University of Dhaka, 2019-2020.
A Researcher
Siddique was studying on postal service, postage stamps, philately, coins and currencies of Bangladesh since 1986
and during these 27 years have published a good number of research works. He is the pioneer in this field and was
the only author on these subject. His research publications are :
1. A History of Bangladesh Philately 1971-1985, 1986;
2. Bangladesh Stamp and Postal History, 1988;
3. Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore through Philately, 1992,
4. Rotary Movement in Bangladesh through Philately, 1993;
5. বাংলাদেশের ফিলাটেলির দুই দশক, 1991; (Two Decades of Bangladesh Philately),
6. বাংলাদেশের ডাকব্যবস্থা, 1995; (Bangladesh Postal Service)
7. বাংলাদেশের ডাকটিকিট, 1995; (Postage Stamps of Bangladesh)
8. Postage Stamps of Bangladesh (Philatelic Software), 2002;
9. Eminent Personalities of Bangladesh (Multimedia Software), 2003;
10. K G Mustafa and his Exceptional Designs, 2008;
11.বাংলাদেশের ডাকব্যবস্থা, 2q ms¯‹iY, 2009; (Bangladesh Postal Service, 2nd Edition)
12. Postage Stamps of Bangladesh 1971-2008, 2009;
13. Cowri to Taka -Evolution of Coins and Currencies of Bangladesh., 2011,
14. বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযদ্ধে ডাকব্যবস্থা ও ডাকটিকিট, 2012; (Postal Service and Postage Stamps during the Liberation War of Bangladesh),
15. Tagore Philately, 2013,
16. Postage Stamps of Bangladesh 1971-2013 (Philatelic Software), 2014,
17. Post Office Rubber print ‘Bangladesh’ on Pakistan Stamps and Postal Stationary 1971-1974, 2015, (Co-Author: Sheikh Shafiqul Islam)
18. Bangladesh Postage Stamps Catalogue 1971-2016, 2016;
19. Bangabandhu on stamps, coins and currencies, 2018;
20. Ishtiaque Ahmed Khan’s Meter Franking Cancellations of Bangladesh, 2015 (Edited);
21. Ishtiaque Ahmed Khan’s One Taka Inland Envelope: A Comprehensive Study, 2017 (Edited),
22. Bangladesh First Day Cover Catalogue 1971-2019, 2019;
23. শতবর্ষে বঙ্গবন্ধু (ডাকটিকিট, ধাতব ও কাগজি মুদ্রায়), 2021, Centenary of Bangabandhu on stamps, coins an currency notes,
24. কড়ি থেকে টাকা – বাংলাদেশের ধাতব ও কাগজি মুদ্রার বিবর্তন , 2022 (Cowri to Taka -Evolution of Coins and Currencies of Bangladesh)
Published Papers: 1. Postage Stamps during the Liberation War of Bangladesh (Co-author), Bangladesh Historical
Studies, Vols. XV-XVI, 1991-1995, pp. 113-126; 2. Postal Service during the East India Company’s rule in Bengal,
Bangladesh Historical Studies, Vol. XIX, 2002, pp. 43-69; 3. Postal Stamps, in Banglapaedia, ASB, 2003; 4. Dr. M.
Ibrahim in Banglapaedia, ASB, 2003; 5. BIRDEM in Banglapaedia, ASB, 2003; 6. History of Postage Stamps of
Bangladesh in Postage Stamps of Bangladesh 2002-2007, Postal Directorate, Bangladesh Post Office, January, 27-
31 July, 2008, 7. Postal History of Dhaka City, 400 Years of Capital Dhaka and Beyond, Sharif Uddin Ahmed and
Abdul Monin Chowdhury (edited), ASB, May, 2011, Taka in Banglapaedia, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2003;
8. Same as above – but in Bangla language version, 2012; 9. বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযদ্ধে ডাকব্যবস্থা ও ডাকটিকিট, (Postal History and Postage Stamps of Bangladesh during the Liberation War), in Journal of the Historical Society of Bangladesh, 33-34 vol., 2010, 212-236, বাংলাদেশের কাগজি মুদ্রার পূর্বসংযুক্তি ও ক্রমকি সংখ্যা: একটি পর্যালোচনা, Bangladesh Historical Society Journal, No. 35-36, May 2015, pp. 301-216.
Papers submitted in the Seminars and Conferences: 1. Postage Stamps during the Liberation War of Bangladesh,
Annual Conference of Historical Society of Bangladesh, at Jahangirnagar University, 26 September, 1994; 2. Postal
History of Bangladesh: A Compendium, Dept. of History, Dhaka University, June 2, 2009; 3. Postal History of
Dhaka City, International Conference of History, Heritage and Urban Issues of Capital Dhaka , 17 February, 2010;
4. বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযদ্ধে ডাকব্যবস্থা ও ডাকটিকিট, (Postal History and Postage Stamps of Bangladesh during the Liberation War), Conference of Bangladesh Historical Society, held at Bogra, March 28, 2011; 5. বাংলাদেশের কাগজি মুদ্রার পূর্বসংযুক্তি ও ক্রমকি সংখ্যা: একটি পর্যালোচনা, (Prefix and Numbering System on Bangladesh Paper Currency: A Newer Chapter of History), Conference of Bangladesh Historical Society, held at Khulna, November 28, 2012 , Paper Money of Bangladesh during Provisional Period December 1971 – March 1974. 18th Biannual Conference of Bangladesh Historical Society, Dhaka, May 15-16, 2015.
A Translator
Siddique is an efficient translator with deep insight and literary taste. He has become dexterous in translating poems. Hehas so far translated 4,700 Banga poems into English. His translated published works exceeds 60.
A Litterateur
Siddique also have a good number of literary works in his credit.
Siddique edited a good number of books,
1. Awarded in Bangladesh National Philatelic Exhibition, Banglapex ’84, 1984.
2. Silver Bronze medal award for Bangladesh Stamps and Postal History, from CSP Museum, USA in 1990,
3. Bronze medal award for Bangladesh Stamps and Postal History from American Philatelic Society, USA, in 1990
4. Awarded in Bangladesh National Philatelic Exhibition, Banglapex ’92, 1992
5. Awarded in Bangladesh Regional Philatelic Exhibitions, Khulnapex ’92, 1992.
6. Silver Bronze medal award for Bangladesh Stamps and Postal History from APF, Australia, 1993.
7. Silver Bronze medal award for Postage Stamps of Bangladesh 1971-2008 philatelic software from Philatelic Explorer, Australia, 2005.
8. Silver Bronze award for Artist K G Mustafa and his Exceptional Designs from 22nd Asian International Stamps Exhibition held at Jakarta, Indonesia, under the patronage of FIAP, 2008,
9. Silver medal award for Postage Stamps of Bangladesh 1971-2008 from APS, USA, 2010,
10. Vermeil Medal award for One Taka Inland Envelope from StampShow, organised by APS & FIP, 2013.
11. Silver Bronze for One Taka Inland Envelope: A Comprehensive Study’ from Brasiliana, Brazil, organised by FIP 2013.
12. Silver Medal award for Rabindra Philately, from StampShow, organised by APS & FIP, 2013,
13. Silver for One Taka Inland Envelope: A Comprehensive Study from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, organised by FIAP, 2014,
14. Large Silver Medal award for Post Office Rubber print ‘Bangladesh’ on Pakistan Stamps and Postal Stationary 1971-1974, New York,USA, APS & FIP, 2016.
15. Silver Medal award for Post Office Rubber print ‘Bangladesh’ on Pakistan Stamps and Postal Stationary 1971-1974, Thailand, FIAP, 2016,
16. Silver Medal award for Bangladesh Postage Stamps Catalogue 1971-2016, Malaysia, FIAP, 2016
17. Silver Medal award for Bangladesh First Day Cover Catalogue 1971-2016, New Zealand, FIAP 2020.
18. Silver Medal award for Shataborshe Bangabandu Daktiket, Dhatob O Kagoji Mudrae, Jakarta, Indonesia, FIP 2022,
19. ২০০০ বাংলা একাডেমীর লেখক অভিধানে নাম অন্তর্ভূক্ত,
20. ২০০৮ বাংলা একাডেমীর লেখক অভিধানে নাম অন্তর্ভূক্ত,
21. ২০১৫ ‘টাকা জাদুঘর’ কর্তৃক জাদুঘরের সংগ্রহে উল্লেখযোগ্য সমৃদ্ধকরণের জন্য সম্মননা
22. ২০১৬ ‘দেশ পালিকেশনস’ কর্তৃক অনুবাদকর্মে অবদান স্মীকৃতি স্বারক,
23. ২০১৭ ‘পদক্ষেপ বাংলাদেশ’ কর্তৃক অনুবাদ সাহিত্যে অনন্য অবদানের জন্য সম্মাননা.
24. ২০১৭ ‘দ্বীপজ’ কর্তৃক অনুবাদ ও গবেষণা অনন্য অবদানের জন্য ‘দ্বীপজ একুশে পদক’
25. ২০১৮ ‘বিদানন্দ প্রকাশন’ কর্তৃক অনুবাদ সাহিত্যে অনন্য অবদানের জন্য সম্মাননা
26. ২০২১ বাংলাদেশ ন্যাশনাল ফিলাটেলিক এসোসিয়েশন কর্তৃক ফিলাটেলি গবেষণা ও প্রকাশনায় অবদানের জন্য
- Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society, UK.
2. Donor, Dhaka Shishu Hospital,
3. Donor, Taka Jadughar (Currency Museum),
4. Chairman and Chief Researcher, Bangladesh Institute of Philatelic Studies (BIPS),
5. Life Member, Bangla Academy, - Life Member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh,
- Life Member,, Bangladesh Historical Society,
- Life Member, Edition and Publication Association of Bangladesh (EPAB),
- Life Member, Bangladesh National Philatelic Association (BNPA),
10. Hon’ble Advisor, Philatelists Association of Bangladesh, 11. Corporate Member, Bangladesh Philatelic Federation.
For Contact:
Siddique Mahmudur Rahman, M.A., B.Ed., FRAS,
House No. 14, Road No. 2, Apartment B 4,
Kalyanpur, Opposite Primary School,
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88-01537069272.
E-mail: binphils1987@gmail.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/siddique.mahmud.5