Dates of Usage: 1977 - 1980

To pay the fee for a person driving a vehicle. Around 1980 this was abolished and the fee then fell under the category of Vehicle (License) Tax. Now, the vehicle, not the driver, was taxed. Previously an owner of several vehicles only had to pay one tax, now each vehicle is taxed.
Original hand painted drawing of a Tk.25 denomination submitted for the proposed stamp. This value was never issued, but the general design was accepted with a few changes.
Tk.25 die proof of accepted colors and design, on plastic. This denomination was never issued.


Larger stamp showing a steering wheel in the center
Perf. 14 1/2 x 15.


*Tk.1 – red and black
*Tk.3 – red and black.

1978 - Provisional

Surcharged Tk.3 stamp, as above, with “3” obliterated with an “X” over it and a “2” to the left of it and a large “78” to the right of it.
Surcharge by:
Perf. 14 1/2 x 15

*Tk.2 over Tk.3 – red, blue and black.


Smaller stamp with similar design
Perf. 14 1/2 x 15.

1979 - Provisional

Surcharged Tk.3 stamp, as above, with “3” obliterated with an “X” over it and a “2” to the left of it and a large “79” to the right of it.


*Tk.2 over Tk.3 – red and black.


Similar design to the 1978 stamp but the value and inscriptions are smaller than the provisional stamp above.
Perf. 14 1/2 x 15.


*Tk.1.5 – red and black
*Tk.3 – red and black.

1980 – Provisional
Provisional stamp with date “80” overprinted in larger numbers and to the right and near the bottom of the central steering wheel.
Printer of surcharge:
Perf. 14 1/2 x 15

Tk.8- red and black.


Printed with date of “80” with the “80” being smaller in size than that on the above provisional.
Printer: Asher & Company, Australia
Perf. 14 1/2 x 15.


50p red, blue and black
Tk.2 – red, blue and black
*Tk.5 – red, blue and black
Tk.8 – red and black
Tk10 – red and black
Tk.15 – red and black.

This tax was repealed in 1980 and replaced by the Vehicle Tax.
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