www.echosphilahouse.com website on Digital Philatelic Literature Competitions
I have been entering the “echosphilahouse.com” website in the Electronic-Literature category of international contests since 2023. My goals are to raise awareness of the subject, particularly among younger philatelists, and to upgrade my website.
On the website echosphilahouse.com, the current awards collection is:
- Vermeil Medal: the 18th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibition 2023 in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Silver Medal: FILABRAS 2024 in Brazil (Virtual Philatelic Exhibition)
Nevertheless, I must state that after taking part in a number of international philatelic website competitions, the competitions are handling the website exposition during the actual conferences improperly.
Reading the listings of rival websites in the programme is the only way attendees can find out that this type of exhibition is offered at the conferences.
The price to participate in a digital media presentation is about the same as the price of a physical show with one frame.
One-frame exhibitions are prominently displayed on the premises; however, digital media are hidden since visitors cannot access the websites through any means (no laptops, computer screens, or other electronic displays displaying the rival websites).
If there isn’t enough space for PCs or public internet, it might be feasible.
Awards and Certificates
EXPOFILABRAS 2024 (Virtual Philatelic Exhibition)
At the Brazilian Philatelic Federation’s EXPOFILABRAS 2024 – Virtual Philatelic Exhibition, the “echophilahouse.com” website received a popular voting Award and a Silver Medal (9 of 10 points). “echosphilahouse.com” certification from the 2024 online exhibition EXPOFILABRAS
EXPOFILABRAS 2024’s primary goals were to encourage and train philatelists and to promote philately online. The exhibition served as a didactic and cultural bridge between philatelists and the general public.
There were 249 exhibitions at the show, with 155 exhibitors from 33 different countries. The collections were divided into three categories or classes: websites, philatelic books, and general collections. Over 6.700 distinct people viewed over 15.000 pages of the exhibition, according to the organisers.
The exhibition’s distinctive element was the online public/popular vote. More than 6,000 were sent in by exhibition attendees. Voting took place from April 6 to April 25, and on May 1st, 2024, the results and the Palmares were released. Every exhibit will be available online forever.
In their feedback, about the “echosphilahouse.com” website, the jury wrote: ” An excellent site that achieves its stated purpose. Lovely and clear presentation and navigation. Cell (mobile) responsive and latest technology is deployed. Catalogues are very good.”

The 18th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibition 2023 (NZNPLE-2023)

The 18th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibition 2023 (NZNPLE-2023), hosted by the New Zealand Philatelic Federation, bestowed a VERMEIL Medal (80 of 100 points) upon the “echosphilahouse.com” website.
The Christchurch Philatelic Society (New Zealand) The exhibition was held in Christchurch, New Zealand’s largest city on the South Island, on November 18 and 19, 2023.
Since 1989, New Zealand has hosted specialised exhibitions of philatelic literature every other year. They have received support from all around the world and have helped to expose collectors to books that will broaden their interests and areas of expertise. The Christchurch Philatelic Society, Inc. presented the Philatelic Literature Exhibition in 2023.
The goal of the Christchurch Philatelic Society (CPS) is to further philatelic and philatelian interests throughout North and Central Canterbury in addition to Christchurch. In addition to promoting the research and development of all facets of the pastime and associated professions, CPS seeks to make the hobby more enjoyable. Its extensive library may serve the needs of both serious scholars and novices seeking information. Numerous sub-groups within the Society investigate various facets of philately.
In contrast to the majority of prior Philatelic Shows where the “echosphilahouse.com” website has competed in Electronic-Literature contests, the NZNPLE-2023 organisers have given the website explicit “Judging Criteria” informing their thorough criticism.