These stamps are confusing to understand. At one point the same stamps were being used for Vehicle Registration and Vehicle Tax. They could be found on both documents. Later the same design was used for the Vehicle Tax stamps and no longer was used for Vehicle Registration. Around 1990 new stamps appeared that are listed in the Barefoot catalog under Vehicle Registration, but they have been found on Vehicle Test Fee documents. I have listed them under Vehicle Text Fee stamps until this is clarified.

Dates of Usage: 1977

Side profile of a truck, within a circle of ray on a white background that is shield-like in appearance, surrounded by a geometric pattern.

Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
*Tk.10 – breen, blue and black Other values may exist.


All issues show a side view of a truck. Chalky paper
Perf.: 14

Earliest and latest dates of documented usage:
Tk.7.5 – purple
Tk.8 – blue
*Tk.100 – light blue and black.


TOP: The Tk.8 specimen for approval stamp. CENTER: Two different colors for the Tk.50 stamp. BOTTOM: the Tk.60 specimen for approval stamp. The significance of the letter and number written on two of the stamps is unknown at this time.

YEAR (?)

The following four stamps are seldom seen, although several copies are known to be in the hands of collectors. Yers ago Mr. Arefin Khan purchased a set from the Post Office and the clerk stamped “SPECIMEN” on them as the cost was so high (They had a total face value of Tk.17,000), and he paid considerably less for them. It is believed that these stamps were not issued and the clerk intentionally sold them from a book he should not have. These illustrations are from another source. The Tk.10,000 stamp is the most expensive revenue stamp seen from Bangladesh, whether it was issued or not.
From the left, and moving to the right, the face value of the stamps are Tk.1,000, Tk.1,000, Tk.5,000 and Tk.10,000. Only one of the Tk.1,000 stamps is not stamped in purple with “SPECIMEN”.


*Tk.1,000 – pink and black
*Tk.1,000 – red and black
*Tk.5,000 – pink and black
*Tk.10,000 – green, pink and blue

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