The Bangladesh government began to print their own definitive stamps after the Russian contract expired. They reprinted some of the same stamps as had the Russians – same design, denomination and colors.
12 December 12 1990

90-1s Tk.2 red overprint in Bangla on EPI (Expanded Program on Immunization) program – brown
1 stamp

Plate #:
Sheet: 200
Quantity printed: Unknown
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
Insert: None.

16 September 1992 - SERVICE overprint
The above stamp was printed by the Russian printing firm of Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, but the red SERVICE overprint was done in Bangladesh at the Postal Printing Press where the FDC envelopes are printed.
22 November 1992 - SERVICE overprint

92s Tk.6 Red Salimullah Hall – multicolored
1 stamp

Plate #:
Sheet: 200
Quantity printed: Unknown
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
Insert: None.

1995 - SERVICE overprint in red in Bengali

95-1s Tk.2 National Diabetes Awareness stamp of 1995 (#95-1d) – multicolored
a. imperforate
b. green only, missing pink
c. lower part of stamp normal, pink missing from upper part of stamp
1 stamp

Plate #:
Sheet: 200 for first four printings, then 190
Quantity printed: Unknown
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
Insert: None.

1998 - SERVICE overprints in red in Bengali

98-1s Tk.1 EPI program (Expanded Program of Immunization) – Circle with child – green
1 stamp

Plate #:
Quantity ovpted.: Unknown
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
Insert: None.

December 1999 - Reissue of design with blue SERVICE ovpt. on left side of stamp

99-1s Tk.5 Curzon Hall with overprint
a. overprint on left side of stamp
b. overprint on right side of stamp
1 stamp

Plate #:
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: From earlier design of Nurul Islam
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
Insert: None.

This cover was mailed on 9 November 2005 and arrived on 10 November.
No date of issue known but seen used on 11 November 2008
During the years of the use of the SERVICE overprinted stamps, each governmental department/agency had to go to the Post Office to obtain the postage needed for their mail. They did not have the stamps in their respective offices. The Intergovernmental Department asked the post office to print a stamp and give it to them to distribute to the various departments/agencies that used postage. The stamp below was printed and given to the Intergovernmental Department for distribution. Thus ending their need to go elsewhere to obtain the needed postage. This is the same design as the 16 July 1994 stamp, but this issue has the SERVICE overprint horizontlly, rather than diagnoally, as the earlier issue had.

Blue Loading Cargo Planes with SERVICE printed horizontally, in red
Unknown Date Tk.3 Loading Cargo Plane – multicolored
1 stamp

Plate #:
Sheet: 200
Quantity printed: Unknown
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
Insert: None.

The above cover shows an ordinary use of this stamp.
The above cover was sent from a governmental agency that did not have correct SERVICE stamps to cover the postage and added regular postage to the cover. This was not an uncommon practice when they lacked the needed overprinted stamps.
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