The following pages are the award winning Bangldesh Revenue Stamps exhibit of Joe Ross, that was exhibited in December 2012 at PENPEX at Redwood City, California. When I found reference to it on the internet, I spent many hours trying to see if it was available on line. Unfortunately, it was not. The only image found is illustrated below.
Eventually, I was able to make contact with Joe as I was hoping he could help me with my Bangladesh Revenue Catalog I was writing. As it turned out, I was able to obtain the exhibit pages, along with single stamps and a large pile of documents. Although these pages are now part of my collection, I felt I should ask Joe if I could put them on my web site so others would be able to view them. He readily agreed. One must remember that this material is virtually unknown to people outside of Bangladesh and the only reference material relating to it was the John Barefoot British Commonwealth Revenue Stamp Catalog. When on the exhibit pages it lists stamps as “unlisted” it is referring to the Barefoot catalog. The exhibit is incredible as most people in the U.S. know almost nothing about the stamps of Bangladesh, and if possible, even less about the revenue stamps. Even the people of Bangladesh know very little about them as a whole, although everyone is familiar with some of them as they were used for so many purposes. Some of the illustrations from these pages can also be found in my catalog.

COUNTRY: Bangladesh
TITLE: Bangladesh Revenue Stamps

ORGANIZATION: The title page provides an outline of the exhibit and lists the various categories of Revenue stamps.

PURPOSE: To provide information on and show examples of seldom seen Bangladesh revenue stamps.

HISTORY: Pakistan was created by the partition of India in 1947 and consisted of geographically separated areas of land: West Pakistan comprised of Baluchistan, Punjab, Sind and the North West Frontier, and East Bengal which became known as East Pakistan. These two areas became independent in 1971, the Western Provinces retained the name Pakistan while East Pakistan became Bangladesh.

BACKGROUND: In 1972 various issues of Pakistan were available in the newly Independent Bangladesh. Provisional overprints were applied locally, used as validating controls, until new stamps and court fee papers could be printed.

The government printed a large number of issues of various taxes, printed by many printers which contributed to the difficulty in determining what had been printed. In addition the acquiring of material proved elusive for many additional reasons: lack of collectors, dealers, un-reliable mail and bank services in Bangladesh.

The material in this exhibit was used to form the listing for Bangladesh revenues in the cited reference.


British Commonwealth Revenues, 2008, 8th Edition Barefoot, J. pp 62-72.

Frame: One

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