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Echo's Phila House

A Bangladesh Philatelic organisation called Echo’s Phila House, based in Australia, was founded with the main purpose of assisting stamp collectors and researchers who are interested in Bangladesh and stamps, postal markings, and postal history. However, it has interests in every significant area of international philately.

What We Do and Who We Are

Members of the Echo’s Phila House engage in all facets of philately. Our objectives are to encourage Bangladesh stamp and postal history collecting and to place a strong emphasis on learning and information sharing. All levels and types of philatelic interests are welcome here.

We provide information about our expert committee and other services as well as access to our enormous library and yearly magazine through this website

Apply for Membership: Free of Cost

Collectors are invited to apply for membership of the Echo’s Phila House (EPH) and to join us to ensure that EPH continues to prosper and to advance our hobby. The following, in order of preference, are the acceptable ways in which candidates should be nominated for membership of the Society:

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