It is more difficult to find the bottom cover illustrated above with the two stamps on it. Most only have one. These covers were posted by Mosharaf Husain for the Ideal Stamp Company of New Jersey, USA.

001 Tk.4 Satellite and dish
a. imperforate
00-2 Tk.6 Memorial
a. imperforate
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain and Md. Shamsuzzoha
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. For a reason that is not apparent, the cover has a photo of the Kashaitully Mosque, Dhaka. What the relationship is to the subject of the stamps is unexplained and is not apparent to the casual observer.
At least one private cachet exists and the cover bears the same postmark. The cover (No P.O. logo on the back flap) has a picture of three heads with red and yellow paint on their faces. The young child on the right has “2000” in yellow across his face, under his eyes. Above the image is “BANGLADESH” , and below it is “Millennium 2000”, both in English. Most of these cover only have the Tk.4 stamp on them. A smaller number of covers have both stamps.
Pmks.: Barisal, Bogra, Chittagong, Comilla, Dhaka, Dhaka Sadar, Dinajpur, Faridpur, Jamalpur, Jessore, Khulna, Kushtia, Mymensingh, Narayanganj, Noakhali, Pabna, Rajshahi, Rangamati, Rangpur, Sylhet, Tangail
Insert: White card stock, printed in black.
Additional: Progressive Proofs exist for each value:
Tk.4 imperforate yellow and blue
imperforate red and black
Tk.6 imperforate yellow and blue
imperforate red and black.

00-3 Tk.2 Scouts around flag over continents of Africa and Asia
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Shamsuzzoha
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Mouchak (purple) – on-site postmark.
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

Top stamps (center of the pair) has yellow printing. Only two blocks are known to exist.

00-4 Tk.4 Portrait of Das
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. An attractive cover with an overall cachet on the front of the envelope.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

The above envelope is missing some of the colors in the cachet. It is not known if the envelope was kept this way, or if it was used for a FDC.

00-5 Tk.4 Portrait of Dr. Shamsuzzoha
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Motiur Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

00-6 Tk.4 Portrait of Abul Barkat
00-7 Tk.4 Portrait of Rafiq Uddin Ahmad
00-8 Tk.4 Portrait of Abdul Jabbar
00-9 Tk.4 Portrait of Shafiur Rahman
4 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Muslim Mia, Anowar Hossain and Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: 12 page booklet of cream colored paper, stapled together and printed in blue. Staples should be removed as they rust and will discolor the booklet and the cover.

This cover is missing the red color and as a result there was no Post Office logo printed on the back flap of the envelope.

00-10 Tk.10 Images of meteorological items over “50th/1950/2000”
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Shamsuzzoha
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Cover(s) known with red color missing in the cachet. Which means the red P.O. logo on the back flap of the cover is missing as well.
Pmks.: Dhaka.
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

A privately produced First Day Cover for ICC Cricket Week 2000.
00-11 Tk.6 Stylized cricket player above”ICC/Cricket next.com/Cricket Week/2000″
a. Major shift of colors – blue and yellow shifted down 4mm
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue.

00-12 Tk.2 Bee (Apis indica)
00-13 Tk.4 Wasp
00-14 Tk.6 Grasshopper
00-15 Tk.10 Silk worms (Bombyx mori)
4 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 200
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Anowar Hossain, Md. Shamsuzzoha and Md. Muslim Miah
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

00-16 Tk.4 Gecko (Gekko gecko)
00-17 Tk.4 Porkupine (Hystrix indica)
00-18 Tk.6 Snake (Python molurus)
00-19 Tk.6 Lizard (Baranus bengalensis)
4 stamps
CCM: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain, Md. Shamsuzzoha and Md. Muslim Miah
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Barisal, Dhaka.
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue. The word porkupine is misspelled on the insert as prokupine.
Additional: It is rather strange that this set of stamps is referred to as reptiles, when one of the four stamps portrays a mammal, the porkupine.

00-20 Tk.6 Stylized drawing of cricket player and ball
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka

00-21 Tk.4 Gallicrex cinerea (Gmelin)
00-22 Tk.4 Amaurornis phoenicurus (Pennant)
00-23 Tk.6 Phalacrocorax niger (Vieillot)
00-24 Tk.6 Ardeola grayii (Sykes)
4 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain and Md. Muslim Miah
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in red.

This is a privately produced booklet containing Olympic stamps that was produced by Mr. Mosharaf Husain and his brother Mr. Md. Motier Rahman, who did the artwork. Each booklet contained six stamps, thre of each of the two issued stamps.

00-25 Tk.6 Female shot putter and Olympic rings
00-26 Tk.10 Male shot putter and Olympic rings
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: White card stock, printed in black.
Additional: A privately produced booklet of stamps was prepared by Mr. Mosharaf Husain, with the covers designed by his brother Mr. Md.Motiar Rahman. Each booklet contains six stamps – three stamps of each value (Tk.6 and Tk.10). The multicolored cover shows the Sydney Opera house the Olympic Rings and “SYDNEY 2000”. The inside of the front cover has relevant information about the stamps.

A shift in the red to the right, making the sun on the Bangladesh flag appear to be a yellow crescent.

The cachet on this First Day Cover is missing the yellow printing.
00-27 Tk.6 Flags of both countires at, clasped hands. memorial and wall of China
a. shift of red color
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 90
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. A private cover exists that was created by the China National Philatelic Corporation. These covers bear both the stamps and first day postmarks of Bangladesh and China that were issued on the same date. The cachet is in Chinese and Bengali and portray the flags of both countries in color.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper printed in blue.

This cover celebrating 25 years of China-Bangladesh relations was prepared by the China National Philatelic Corporation. It has both a Chinese and a Bangladesh stamp and commemorative cancellation. The information on the reverse states there were 50,000 covers made for the event and they are each numbered.

00-28 Tk.4 Exterior view of Idrakpur Fort, Munshigonj
00-29 Tk.6 Statue -Vajrasattva Bhojavihara, Mainamati, Comilla
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain and Muslim Miah
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

00-30 Tk.6 Blue circle with red stylized figures and wreath
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks. Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue.
Additional: This was issued for the year 2001 that was only a few weeks away.

00-31 Tk.6 Portrait of Raza
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmkd.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Bi-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue.

Sheet 1
00-32 Tk.2 Birendra Nath Sarker
00-33 Tk.2 A.K.M. Nurul Haque
00-34 Tk.2 Sibendra Nath Mukherjee
00-35 Tk.2 Zahir Rihan
4 labels
00-36 Tk.2 Ferdous Dowla Bablu
00-37 Tk.2 Capt. A.K.M. Nurul Absur
00-38 Tk.2 Mizanur Rahman Miju
00-39 Tk.2 Dr. Shamshad Ali

Sheet 2
00-40 Tk.2 M.A. Gofur
00-41 Tk.2 Faizur Rahman Ahmed
00-42 Tk.2 Muslimuddin Miah
00-43 Tk.2 Sgt. Shamsul Karim Khan
4 labels
00-44 Tk.2 Bhikku Zinananda
00-45 Tk.2 Abdul Jabber
00-46 Tk.2 Sekander Hayat Chowdhury
00-47 Tk.2 Chisty Shah Helalur Rahman
16 stamps and 8 labels (Eight different stamps and four labels per sheet)
Two horizontal rows of four different designs, one above the other, separated by a row of four labels.

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Two horizontal strips of four different designs, one above the other, separated by a strip of four labels
Sheet: 8 plus 4 labels (4 stamps – 4 labels – 4 stamps)
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer:(1) Moazmmel Hoque: Sibendra Nath Mukherjee; (2) Anower Hossain: Chisty Shah Helalur Rahman, Muslimuddin Mia, Mizanur Rahman Miju, Dr. Shamshad Ali, A.K.M. Nurul Hoque, Sekander Hayat Chowdhury, Zahir Raihan; (3) Muslim Miah: M.A. Gofur, Faizur Rahman Ahmed, Sergeant Shamsul Karim Khan, Birendra Nath Sarker, Abdul Jabber, Captain A.K.M. Nurul Absur; (4) Motier Rahman: Ferdous Dowla Bablu; (5) Sultan Ahmed: Zinananda Bhikku.
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Booklet of 24 pages, plus cover that is printed in four colors. The entire booklet is printed in Bengali, with the exception of the portion of the features of the sheets, which is also in English. The booklet contains a photo or drawing of each individual and biographical material. Quantity of stamps printed not given. The booklets have been printed on two types of paper. One is whiter and a better quality. These were probably made for presentation to officials.

00-48 Tk.10 Cupped hand above and below drawing of refugees
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue.