99-1 Tk.2 Logo at top, Scouts across top of globe, and group of boys
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Mouchak – on-site postmark
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue. The quantity of stamps printed not given.

99-2 Tk.4 Portrait of Sen
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue. A correction is handwritten in blue ink on many of the inserts, crossing out Chatterjee and writing in the break two lines below Chatsraborty in the English section of the narrative. The quantity of stamps printed not given.

99-3 Tk.4 Portrait of Dr. Khan
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue. The quantity of stamps printed not given.

99-4 Tk.8 Team emblems
99-5 Tk.10 Tiger head, flag of Bangladesh and soccer ball
2 stamps
99-6ss Tk.30 Perforated souvenir sheet containing the two stamps
a. imperforate souvenir sheet exists
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity of Stamps Printed: Unknown
Quantity of SSs Printed: Unknown
Designer of Stamps: Motior Rahman
Designer of SS: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes, for both the stamps and the SS. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks. – Stamps: Dhaka
Pmks. – SS: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored, or white colored paper, printed in blue. Quantity of stamp printed not given.
Additional: progressive proofs exist:
1. Tk.8 imperforate yellow and blue
2. Tk.8 imperforate red and black
3. Tk.10 imperforate yellow and blue
4. Tk.10 imperforate red and black
Essay for the SS.

An imperforate block of four of the accepted design with the larger writing on the right and left sides of the stamp and in yellow.

This imperforate block in red and black is a progressive proof essay that was not accepted because the writing on the right and left sides of the stamp was too small and in the wrong colors.
99-7 Tk.4 Image of Mother Teresa
a. imperforate
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. A privately produced cover also exists. The cachet is the same image of Mother Theresa as the issued stamp, minus the text. At the top of the cachet is “SPECIAL COVER” and below it “Mother Theresa/2nd Death Anniversary”.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Pabna
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper printed in blue. Quantity of stamps printed not given.
Additional: Progressive proofs exist:
1. Imperforate red and black progressive proof.

A privately produced cover for Mother Theresa. These are fairly common and it is believed that several thousand exist.

Rejected design for the 25th Anniversary of Bangladesh’s membership in the United Nations.
99-8 Tk.6 Sheik Rahman, dove, monuments and buildings and sun
a. imperforate, but with a dull orange sun, rather than the issued red
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka

The three imperforate blocks above are two progressive proofs of an unaccepted color combination of the text along the sides of the stamps and and unaccepted block of four. The sun is orange, rather than red as was the issued stamp and the yellow writing along the sides is pale.

99-9 Tk.2 Portrait of Muizuddin
a. imperforate
b. double perfs and partial perf. on same stamp
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Motior Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka

99-10 Tk.6 Hands holding tree of life with images of elderly people
a. imperforate
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in bluish-green. Quantity of stamps printed not given.
Additional: Progressive proofs exist
1. imperforate yellow and blue
2. imperforate red and black
Also, one sheet of stamps was found half perforated and the other half imperforated.

99-11 Tk.4 Hands with trees, people and buildings between them
a. imperforate
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Pabna
Insert: Tri-folded, light cream colored paper, printed in blue. The quantity of the stamps printed not given.
Additional: Progressive proofs exist:
1. imperforate yellow and blue
2. imperforate red and black.

Progressive proofs exist in yellow and blue and red and black for the four stamps.

99-12 Tk.4 Red truck
a. imperforate
99-13 Tk.4 Motorcycle and rider
a. imperforate
99-14 Tk.6 Boat on water
a. imperforate
99-15 Tk.6 Airplanes
a. imperforate
4 stamps
99-16ss Tk. 25 Perforated souvenir sheet containing the four stamps
a. imperforate
4 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity of Stamps Printed: Unknown
Designer of Stamps: Motior Rahman, Anowar Hossain and Md. Shamsuzzoha
Quantity of SS Printed: Unknown
Designer of SS: Kazi Shariful Alam
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
First Day Cover: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Two separate covers. The same envelope was used for the set of stamps and for the souvenir sheet.
Pmks. – stamps: Barisal, Dhaka
Pmks. – SS: Dhaka
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue. The quantity of stamps and SSs printed is not given.
Additional: Progressive proofs exist for all four values of the stamps:
1. Imperforate yellow and blue
2. Imperforate red and black.

An unaccepted design for the stamp. Note that on it, his name is spelled Basu. The painting is actually very bright but looks dull due to the tissue paper over it with the denomination drawn on it.
99-17 Tk.4 Portrait of Bose
a. imperforate
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Pabna
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue. Quantity of stamps printed not given.

Sheet 1
99-18 Tk.2 Dr. Mohammad Shafi
99-19 Tk.2 Maulana Kasimuddin Ahmed
99-20 Tk.2 Quazi Ali Imam
99-21 Tk.2 Sultanuddin Ahmed
4 labels
99-22 Tk.2 A.S.M. Ershaddulah
99-23 Tk.2 Mohammad Fazlur Rahman
99-24 Tk.2 Dr. Capt. A.K.M. Farooq
99-25 Tk.2 Md. Latafot Hossain Joarder
a. full sheet imperforate.

Sheet 2
99-26 Tk.2 Ram Ranjan Bhattacharjya
99-27 Tk.2 Abani Mohan Dutta
99-28 Tk.2 Sunawar Ali
99-29 Tk.2 Abdul Kader Miah
4 labels
99-30 Tk.2 Dr. Major Rezaur Rahman
99-31 Tk.2 Md. Shafiqul Anowar
99-32 Tk.2 A.A.M. Mozammel Hoque
99-33 Tk.2 Khandkar Abul Kashem
a. full sheet imperforate.
It was previously thought that these FDCs existed only on the large envelopes but images have been seen with the smaller envelopes. As in the 1991 issue, there is a second line of text on the back flap of the larger envelope.
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Imperforate: Not issued, but a few sheets found imperforate.
Two horizontal strips of four different designs, one above the other, separated by a strip of four labels
Sheet: 8 plus 4 labels (4 stamps – 4 labels – 4 stamps)
Quantity Printed: unknown
Designer: (1) Mr. Mozammel Hoque: Maulana Kasimuddin Ahmed; (2) Anowar Hossain: Md. Shafiqul Anowar, Ram Ranjan Bhattacharjya, Abdul Kader Miah, Dr. Major Reazur Rahman, Mohammad Fazlur Rahman; (3) Mr. Md. Shamsuzzoha: Sunawar Ali, Dr. Capt. A.K.M. Farooq; (4) Mr Motior Rahman: Dr. Mohammad Shafi, Abani Mohan Dutta, Latafot Hossain Joarder; (5) Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam: A.S.M. Ershadullah, Quazi Ali Imam; (6) Muslim Miah: Khandker Abul Kashem, A.A.M. Mozammel Hoque
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark (A small circle with large spokes which made it possible to cancel the center label and yet cancel the stamps above, below and at the sides at the same time). A large cover (27.5 x 22cm., 10 7/8 x 8 5/8 inches). The entire sheet plus the borders are found on found on these two covers with the same cachet. A smaller envelope is also known for these FDCs.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Booklet – 24 pages, plus covers.The booklets have been printed on two types of paper. One is whiter and a better quality. These were probably made for presentation to officials.
Additional: The margins of the sheets have a continuous line of gold colored writing with “Shaheed (Martyrd) Intellectual” and the year, in Bengali, outlined by two thick black bands. All stamps chestnut and black in color.