Privately produced card for the Scouts. Also see December 18, 1995 for more Scout cards.
94-1 Tk.2 Scouts in center circle around campfire, activities in design around it
a. fake – stamp missing color red.
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 500,000
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka (black and red), Mouchak – on site postmark, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in green.

94-2 Tk.2 Emblem in blue at top, mother and child below
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 80,000
Designer: Md. Shamsuzzoha
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Postmarks: Dhaka (black and red), Pabna (purple), Rangpur (purple, black)
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue.

94-3 Tk.4 Interior Chhota Sona, Nawabgonj
94-4 Tk.6 Exterior Chhota Sona
94-5 Tk.6 Exterior, Baba Adam’s
3 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000 of each design (A quantity of the Tk.6 stamp Chota Sona Mosque was later overprinted for the 9 October, 1995 Rajshahipex >95 issue)
Designer: Mozammel Huq, Anowar Hossain and Motiur Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Rangpur (purple, black)
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in blue.

94-6 Tk.4 People working in top half of stamp “75” and emblem below
a. missing color, no “Bangladesh” at bottom of stamp in both languages
94-7 Tk.10 Worker at large machine
a. major color shift – blue and yellow shifted downward
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000 of each value
Designer: Mozammel Huq and Rafika Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka (red and purple on same cover), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in green.

94-8 Tk.2 Red sun, people and doves
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks. Dhaka, Narsingdi (purple), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Small bi-folded cream colored paper printed in blue.

A rejected design most likely for this set of stamps.
94-9 Tk.4 Four triangular panels of festivals
94-10 Tk.4 Multiple diamond shaped panels of festivals
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000 of each value
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka (black and red), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper printed in blue. Insert has typo error of the “12” missing from the English date of release and reads ” -5-1994″.
Additional: Waste from the printer of the envlope exists with the image, writing and the P.O. logo (back flap) printed on one side of the sheet and only the image and the P.O. logo on the reverse.

Printer’s waste of the envelope. The image is printed on both sides, but the one is missing the black text.

94-11 Tk.10 Family members above globe with red emblem at bottom
a. color shift of blue and yellow downward
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000
Designer: Mozammel Huq
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka ( black and red), Narsingdi, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Bi-folded, cream colored paper, printed in light blue.

94-12 Tk.4 Family planting trees
94-13 Tk.6 Hands holding seedlings
a. double impression of the red
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000 of each value
Designer: Moslim Mia and Rafika Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong (purple), Dhaka (black and purple), Rangpur (purple)

94-14 Tk.20 Left side of strip – Soccer player in red and yellow jersey
Label of mascot and soccer ball with writing
94-15 Tk.20 Right side of strip – Soccer plyer in green and yellow jersey
2 stamps and 1 label – horizontal strip of three different designs with a label between the two stamps (stamp – label – stamp)
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 10 – 5 horizontal strips of three (Stamp + label + stamp)
Quantity Printed: 500,000 of each value
Designer: Manzare Shamim
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka (black, red), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Bi-folded cream colored paper, printed in green.

94-16 Tk.4 Drawing of the bridge
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 100,000
Designer: AKM Abdur Rouf
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemoratie postmark.
Pmks.: Comilla (purple), Dhaka (black, purple), Khulna (purple), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Quadri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in blue.

94-17 Tk.4 Oriolus xanthornus
94-18 Tk.6 Gallus gallus
94-19 Tk.6 Dicrurus paradiseus
94-20 Tk.6 Dendrocitta vagabunda
94-1ss Tk.25 Perforated miniture sheet containing the four stamps with border with birds
4 stamps and 1 SS
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity of Stamps Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain, Muslim Mia and Nurul Islam
Quantity of SSs Printed: Unknown
Designer of SS: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Large cover (28 x 13.5 cm., 11 1/16 x 5 5/16 inches). Two covers with the same size envelopes and cachet. One for the set of stamps and the other the souvenir sheet.
Pmks. – stamps: Comilla (purple), Dhaka, Khulna, Rangpur (purple)
Pmks. – SSs: Dhaka, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Bi-folded cream colored paer printed in blue. Quantity of stamps and souvenir sheets printed not given.

Adopted Design

Adopted Design

94-21 Tk.2 Portrait of Dr. Ibrahim with blue sky and huilding
a. shade difference – greenish-blue sky and dark face
b. shade difference – purplish sky
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Manzare Shamim
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Jessore (purple), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded shiny white paper, printed in brown.

An unapproved design for the Nawab Faizunnessa Chowdhurani stamp.

94-22 Tk.2 Drawing of Faizunnessa Chowdhurani
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Motiur Rahman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka (black and purple), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in brown.

94-23 Tk.4 Men boxing
1 stamp
CCM: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper.

94-24 Tk.6 Pearls and oyser shells – multicolored with dark blue background
94-25 Tk.6 Four shells with smallest in upper left corner
94-26 Tk.6 Four shells (two across from each other and two above each other)
94-27 Tk.6 Four shells (vertical stamp)
4 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Muslim Miah, Motior Rahman and Md. Shamsuzzoha
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Large cover (27.5 x 13.2 cm., 10 13/16 x 5 3/16 inches).
Pmks.: Dhaka, Khulna (purple), Rangpur
Insert: Small tri-folded cream colored paper printed in light brown. Quantity of stamps printed not given.
Additional: The size of this cover is much too large for the four stamps and is impossible to display in a collection.

94-28 Tk.2 Portrait with flag and people marching
a. darker shade of portrait
b. very dark shade of portrait
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahboob Akond
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna (purple), Kushtia
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper, printed in brown. Quantity of stamps printed not given.
Additional: Progressive proofs:
1. Imperforate yellow and blue
2. Imperforate red and black.

A spectacular misperforation that is believed to be unique. Note that the two upper perforations are angled from the left, upward to the right. Also they are not in line with each other.

a. misperforation – horizontal perforation shifted upwards
16 stamps and 8 labels (2 sheets of two horizontal strips of four different designs separated by a strip of labels in each sheet)
CCMs: Yes. At bottom or top of each sheet. The color guide is actually cut in half with half appearing in one place or the other.
Plate #: No
Sheet: 8 plus 4 labels
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: (1) Mozamel Hoque: Araz ali, Nurul Amin Khan, Dr. Lt.Col. NAM Jahangir, Shah Abdul Majid, fazlul Haque Choudhury, Mohsin Ali Dewan; (2) Anowar Hossain: Dr. Harinath Dey, Md. Shamsuzzaman, Meherunnesa; (3) AFM Moniruzzaman (Shipu): Dr. Kasiruddin talikder, Lt. Md. Anwarul Azim, Md. Akhter; (4) Motiur Rahman: Dr. Lt.Col. AF Ziaur Rahman, AKM Shamuddin; (5) Md. Shamsuzzoha: Mamun Mahmud; (6) Muslim Mia: Mohammad Sadeque.
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Two sizes of envelope exist – large and smaller.
Pmks. – large size: Dhaka, Rangpur
Pmks. – small size: Rangpur
Insert: Booklet – 24 pages, plus covers. The booklets have been printed on two types of paper. One is whiter and a better quality. These were probably made for presentation to officials.
Additional: The margins of the sheets have a continuous line of gold colored writing with “Shaheed (Martyrd) Intellectual” and the year, in Bengali, outlined by two thick black bands. All stamps are chestnut and black in color.
Sheet 1
94-29 Tk.2 Dr. Harinath Dey
94-30 Tk.2 Dr. Lt. Col. A.F. Zaizur Rahman
94-31 Tk.2 Mamum Mahmud
94-32 Tk.2 Mohsin Ali Dewan
4 labels
94-33 Tk.2 Dr. Lt. Col. N.A.M. Jahangir
94-34 Tk.2 Shah Abdul Majid
94-35 Tk.2 Muhammad Akhter
94-36 Tk.2 Meherunnesa.
Sheet 2
94-37 Tk.2 Dr. Kasiruddin Talukder
94-38 Tk.2 Fazlul Haque Choudhury
94-39 Tk.2 Md. Shamsuzzaman
94-40 Tk.2 A.K.M. Shamsuddin
4 labels
94-41 Tk.2 Lt. Mohammad Anwarul Azim
94-42 Tk.2 Nurul Amin Khan
94-43 Tk.2 Mohammad Sadeque
94-44 Tk.2 Md. Araz Ali.
Note the CCMs on each of the sheet. It is found at either the top, or the bottom of the sheet. FDCs only exist on the large sized envelopes. As in the 1991 issue, there is a second line of text on the back flap of the larger envelope.

94-45 Tk.4 Diplazium esculentum
a. offset image on the back of the stamp
94-46 Tk.4 Momordica charantia L.
94-47 Tk.6 Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Stand
94-48 Tk.6 Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.
94-49 Tk.10 Solanum melongena L.
94-50 Tk.10 Cucurbita maxima Duch.
6 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Md. Shamsuzzoha; Anowar Hossain and Nurul Islam
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Khulna (purple), Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Tri-folded, cream colored paper, printed in green.