04-1 Tk.6 Bookcase and books on table
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Jashim Uddin
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Envelope designed by Mrinal Chakraborty.
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in blue.
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

The three FDCs above are all missing different colors. The bottom one is missing the black and is obvious if you look at the top writing and the line above the bottom line is missing. The others have various colors missing.

04-2 Tk.2 Rectangle in center with tents under a tree and flags outside the rectangle
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Syeed Bin Salam
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative Postmark
Pmks.: Dhaka (black, purple), Khulna (purple), Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in blue.
Cachet Designer: Syeed Bin Salam
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

Misalignment of colors has a crowd running, rather than three individuals in the normal cover above it. Note the placement of the Olympic rings and the plant at the left.

04-3 Tk.10 Runner, torch and Olympic rings
1 Stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

The top cover, of the two covers avove, is missing the black color. It is noticible in the missing Olympic Ring and there is no text at the bottom back of the cover. The cover below it has a strange brown color in the image above the Olympic Rings, the red ring is the same color brown and the yellow ring is green.

04-4 Tk.5 Stylized bird with logo
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Syed Latful Haq
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in blue.
Cachet Designer: Syed Latful Haq
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6

Additional: Even though the event was held in 2003, this cover was not issued until 2004.

This is a First Day Cover that was not officially issued, that is missing the blue ink. Without seeing the flap of the envelope it is not easy to notice. The blue writing on either side of the logo is missing.

04u Tk10 White silouette of cricket player and ball against gray background with stripes (See July 19, 2006 for official issue date)
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Cachet Designer: Monirul Ahsan
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

This stamp was scheduled to be issued on March 5, 2004, but was not issued. It was originally believed becuase it was an illegal use of the ICC logo. Later, many people stated it was because the authorities could not attend the first day ceremony and the ceremony was cancelled and the stamp not issued. The same envelopes were used at a later date, but a different cancellation was prepared when it was eventually released. It is generally believed that 100 FDCs are prepared and distributed to officials. Rumor has it that about 40 of these covers made it to the philatelic market. The stamp was also found mint and used on “philatelic covers”, shortly after the day it was to be issued. How and why the stamp made it into the hands of collectors has never been clarified. Many people believed the stamp would be released at a later date, and they were correct as it was issued on July 19, 2006.

Strangely, but this image on the cachet is the famous photo of U.S. soldiers raising the flag over Iwo Jima during WWII. The flag of Bangladesh was substituted for the U.S. flag.

04-5 Tk.5 Man at microphones
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mrinal Chakbrorty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rahshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock printed in blue.
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

The above sheet shows the cancellations prepared for the issuance of the stamp and the making of First Day Covers. There are 23 images but only 21 different cities. The first three images are the same and are for Dhaka. One was for the cancellor to be used at the Philatelic Bureau, one for the official at the FDC ceremony and the third as a replacement in case one was damages or lost. Also note thet the date in the cancellations is for the 25th, evidently the original date considered for the release of the stamp. At the bottom right is the approval for the cancellors but a note that the date of issue (In Bengali) will be determined later.

04-6 Tk.6 Stylized road with people
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rahshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in blue
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

A variety in the overprint with the overprint shifted to the left on the left stamp – 04-7b. It is also printed darker, most likely due to extra ink. This image is taken from a FDC and the person creating this FDC obviously was aware of this variety and selected a pair of stamps for it. Normally, only one stamp would be found on the FDCs.

04-7 Tk.4 Boys playing soccer. Overprint on top right corner of stamp and across bottom
a. Variety with the overprinted shifted to the right, touching the right edge of the stamp
b. Horizontal pair with normal and shift
c. ovpt. shifted left into margin, portionon right of stamp
d. red and black colors shifted right
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: ??
Overprint: Postal Printing Press, Tajgaon, Bangladesh
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Dhaka, Chittigong, Rahshahi
Cachet Designer: Information not printed on back of envelope.
Cachet Printer: Information not printed on back of envelope.
Stationary Charge: Information not printed on back of envelope.

This cover is missing the blue printing on the envelope. The back of the envelope does not have the blue writing on either side of the red Post Office logo.

The above cover has the blue shifted upward. The flap is shown as that is where is is printed at the top of the cover. It is also visible at the bottom.

A shift in the angle that the printing was applied. It is better seen in the bottom photo, of the back of the cover.

Scarce imperforate pair of the two stamps.

04-8 Tk.10 Grove of trees
04-9 Tk.10 Stylized tree in center of six images of fruit
2 stamps – se-tenant pr.
a. imperforate pair of the two stamps

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100 (50 of each design)
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Green, printed on shiny white card stock
Cachet Designer: Anowar Hossain
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.5.

The above cover is missing the black color and there is no writing on bottm back of the cover.

Black color shifted upward. As a result of the shift, the black text on the back bottom of the cover is right at the bottom. All the printing is done on the paper before they are cut and folded into the shape of the envelope.

Blue shifted upwards.

Scarce imperforate pair of the two stamps.

The red color is shifted upward. This also puts the Post Office logo out of alignment on the back flap. It should be centered between the two blue lines.

04-10 Tk.10 Monument, Iranian flag and portrait of Hafez Shirazi
04-11 Tk.10 Monument, Bangladesh flag and portrait of Nazrul Islam
2 stamps – se-tenant pair
a imperforate pair of the two stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100 (Fifty of each design)
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in green.
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

Yellow in cachet is missing.

The top block of four shows the vertical line on the left of the stamps as being different. Below it are the two lines shown in larger print. Copies seen indicate some type of fiberous dirt on the paper before the stamp was printed. It most likely caused the distortion of the printing. It appears it is only the second vertical row of stamps on the left side of the sheet that have this variation.

White slash in boy’s hair. The black had to have been printed before the red color as the red covers the area where it would have been seen.

04-12 Tk.10 Individual planting a tree
a. slash in boys hair
b. distorted vertical writing on left side of stamp
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mesbahuddin Ahmed
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yer. Commemorative postmark. Envelope designed by Mrinal Chakraborty.
Pmks.: Chittigong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in green.
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

The above stamp is an image taken from the pane above, showing the doubling of the colors.

04-13 Tk.5 People walking with bundles of rice on their heads
a. imperf.
b. imperf. at top, double perfs. at bottom and sides only
c. color shift of yellow
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mrinal Chakroborty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in green.
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6

Additional: It is believed only two sheets are known with perforations only on the bottom and sides of the bottom row. The vertical perfs. are spaced mm apart. The remainder of the sheets are imperforate. Both varieties come from these two sheets. It is also believed two sheets exist for the shift in the yellow. One is minor and the other is major in the degree of the shift.

The red color of the cachet is missing. Note that there is no Post Office logo on the back flap, as it is red in color for this issue.

04-14 Tk.6 Family in circle and young woman
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hosain
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes, Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Razshahi
Cachet Designer: Anowar Hossain
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6

Additional: Rajshahi was spelled with a “z”, rather than a “j”.

04-15 Tk.4 UN building and outline of Bangladesh
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed:
Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in green
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

04-16 Tk.4 Dome
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in dark blue.
Cachet Designer: Mrinal Chakraborty
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

Privately produced First Day Cover from a series called “First Day Covers From Around The World.”

The original date for the issuance of the Rotary Bell stamps was 12 October, 2004. The date was postponed until the 27th of the month. Covers were prepared for the original date and some made it into the hands of collectors and dealers. The cancellation is slightly larger in size from the one that was prepared for the 27th. Additionally, some of the stamps were sold on this date and many were put on “philatelic covers” and mailed, as proof of the situation.

A privately produced cover cancelled the following day with two of the stamps – October 13, 2004. Since it was cancelled the following day, it is not a FDC, but a “philatleic” cover proving that it was sold before the official release date.

The above First Day Cover has an upward shift in the gray of the FDC cachet. It is visible with the line of text at the bottom, the sun on the flag and the text below it.

04-17 Tk.4 Image of the Rotary Club of Dhaka bell
1 stamp

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Aminul Haque Mallik
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in dark blue. The original date of 12-10-2004 in Benghali was hand corrected to “27”.
Cachet Designer: Aminul Haque Mallik
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6

Additional: A new cancellation was prepared for the postponed date of this issue and is of a slightly smaller than the one used on the 12 October covers.

This is a rejected essay for the sheet. Note that the title states Flower, rather than Flowers. Additionally the size of the names of the flowers in Latin, along the vertical sides of the sheet is larger and the B angla at the bottom of the sheet is smaller.

04-1SS Tk.5 Argemone mexicana
Tk.5 – Cyanotis axillaris
Tk.5 – Thevetia Peruvians
Tk.5 – Pentapetes phoenicea
Tk.5 – Aegle marmelos
Tk.5 – Datura stramonium
6 perforated stamps in 1 SS with decorative border

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 6
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hosain
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. No designer listed on the back of the envelope.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in green.
Cachet Designer: Information not given on back of envelope.
Cachet Printer: (Information not given on back of envelope.) Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-DhakaA
Stationary Charge: (Information not given on back of envelope.) Tk.6

Additional: Misperforated varieties exist for the sheet. Stationary charge not printed on the back of the envelope as in other issues.
An essay exists for the sheet.

The Wild Flowers of Bangladesh souvenir sheet with misperforations and miscuttings. Note that the bottom illustrations have the “Flowers of Bangladesh” at the bottom.

hese stamps are from the same sheet. The top is the left side of the sheet and the lower image is of the right side. Note what a dramatic difference the right side shows.

04-18 Tk.6 Flags, rainbow with SAARC
a. major vertical misperforation
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hosain
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rajshahi
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in green.
Cachet Designer: Anowar Hossain
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

Offset of the image on the back of a block of four. Note that the image is always reversed in offsets. While some offsets are spectacular, and this is a very good one, they are not listed in this catalog as some are very light and barely visible. These are oddities and not errors and must be priced accordingly.

Imperforate pair of the two stamps.

04-19 Tk.10 Fish Sperata aor (Catfish)
04-20 Tk.10 Fish Notopteris notepterus
2 stamps – se-tenant pr.
a. imperforate pair

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100 (50 of each)
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Syed Rakibul Moin Rumi
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. The envelope was designed by Anowar Hossain. Covers with a “pre-release” date of 27, July, 2004 exist for twenty-one different sites
Pmks.: Dhaka, Rajshahi.
Additional: A postmark exists for an earlier date of 27 July, 2004 and covers were cancelled for the following cities: Barisal, Bogra, Chittagong, Comilla, Dhaka, Dhaka Sadar, Dinajpur, Faridpur, Jamalpur, Jessore, Khulna, Kushtia, Mymensingh, Narayangong, Noakhali, Pabna, Rajshahi, Rangamati, Rangpur, Sylhet, Tangail (all black)
Insert: Shiny white card stock, printed in blue.
Cachet Designer: Anowar Hossain
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

04-21 Tk.6 Child surrounded by flower petals
a. color variety
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity printed: Unknown
Designer: Anowar Hossain
Printer: Security Printing Corp., Bangladesh
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. A private covers exists partially printed and with a large Scout emblem sticker surrounded by a knot.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka. Rajshahi
Insert: Green card stock, printed in red.
Cachet Designer: Anowar Hossain
Cachet Printer: Postal Printing Press, Tejgaon-Dhaka
Stationary Charge: Tk.6.

A privately produced cover for the Scout issue. The writing on the left side and top are printed on the envelope and the blue image is a sticker that was said to be sent to the Bangladesh Post Office back in 1978 by the World Scout Organization, to show the Scout image that was to be used in the 1978 stamps. It was rediscoverd in the files in 2004 and sold. I was obviously a reference item. Privately produced covers are rare as the government produces the official envelope for each commemorative issue. The cover was made by Mr. Arefin Khan.
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