91-1 Tk.2 Outline of country with rainbow of colors and needles
91-2 Tk.4 Globe with snake around it with rainbow colors behind it
2 stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 80
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahbub Akand and Ahmed Fazlul Karim
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Barisal (purple), Bogra (red), Chittagong (green), Comilla (purple) , Dhaka, Dhaka Sadar (red), Faridpur (purple), Jessore (purple), Khulna (green), Kushtia (purple), Noakhali (purple), Pabna (purple), Rangamati (purple), Rangpur (purple)

91-3 Tk.4 Foreground has parents and two children in black, others in back
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 80
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Pranesh Kumar Mandal
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Jessore, Narsingdi (purple), Pabna, Rangpur
Insert: White card stock, printed in black.

The left stamp is a forgery of the Freedon Fighter statue. Not only is it dull in appearance, it is slightly smaller than the genuine stamp and is not square. A genuine stamp is on the right.

91-4 Tk.4 Statues of three individuals
91-5 Tk.4 Freedom fighter statue
a. forgery
91-6 Tk.4 Mujibnagar Memorial
91-7 Tk.4 Eternal Flame
91-8 Tk.4 National Martyr’s Memorial
5 stamps – horizontal strip of five stamps
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 25 (5 strips of five different stamps)
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahbub Akand
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Attractive cachet with good colors.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Narsingdi (purple), Rangpur (purple)
Additional: Inscription across left top and down left corner of sheet in Bangla, the same in English on the bottom right corner of the sheet – “20th Anniversary/of Independence 1971-1991”

Note the different positions for the CCMs and the small text.

On the left is a used forgery of the Tk.2 stamp. The cheap ink ran and caused the stamp to have a pinkish color when it was soaked off the envelope. These stamps were made to be sold and used as postage, not to fool collectors.

This card is cancelled the same date as the FDC, but it has a regular cancellatioin. It is not known if a card exists for the second stamp of the set.
91-9 50p President wearing construction hat and sidding on ground
a. top and bottom perforations approximately 40mm apart, as opposed to 42mm.
91-10 Tk.2 President’s head inside a stylized blue circle
91-11ss Tk.10 Perforated souvenir sheet containing the above two stamps and a portrait of him digging.
a. missing overprint
b. double overprint – one on top of the other
c. double overprint – one inverted
d. triple overprint – on top of each other
e. triple overprint – one double, the other separate
2 stamps and 1 SS
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 50
Quantity of Stamps Printed: 50p – 1,000,000; Tk.2 – 500,000
Quantity of SSs Printed: 30,000
Designers: Ahmed Fazlul Karim and Pranesh Mandal
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Two identical envelopes: One for the set of stamps and the second for the souvenir sheet. The 50p stamps is known on a picture of President Rahman seated and superimposed over a picture of flowers and trees, with the Dhaka general cancellation with the FDC date.
Pmks. – stamps: Chittagong (purple) , Dhaka, Rangpur (purple)
Pmks. – SS: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: White card stock, printed in black. The insert does not indicate which person designed the stamps nor who the souvenir sheet.
Additional: President Ziaur Rahman was assassinated on 30 May 1981. Thereafter, the Vice President Justice Sattar took over as acting President and later assumed power through a presidential election. Ziaur Rahman was a popular leader and the post office decided to issue 2 stamps and a souvenir sheet on the 1st anniversary of his death. The stamps and souvenir sheet were printed by the Austrian printers, Ueberreuter. However, on 24 March 1982 the Army Chief of Staff, General Husein Muhammad Ershad, removed President Sattar’s government in a coup, and imposed martial law in Bangladesh. Later, when the postal authority wanted to issue the stamps and souvenir sheet of Ziaur Rahman, General Ershad did not permit it. These items remained locked in the Treasury Department of Bangladesh for 10 years and later when Ziaur Rahman’s party came back to power, on 27 February, with Zia’s widow being the Prime Minister, the stamps and sheet were issued. An overprint was applied on the souvenir sheet in Bengali, simply stating “10th Death Anniversary-1991”. To date, at least two sheets have surfaced without the overprint. It is believed they were sold illegally shortly after the sheets were originally printed.

The top sheet has a double overprin, the second double, with one inverted and the two below it have triple overprints, that are both different.

91-12 Tk.2 Petaurista petaurista (Flying squirrel)
91-13 Tk.4 Buceros bicornis (Monkey)
91-14 Tk.6 Presbytis entellus (Bird)
91-15 Tk.10 Manis crassicaudata (Animal)
4 stamps
Two pairs of se-tenant stamps – Tk.2+Tk.10 – vertical pairs and Tk.4+Tk.6 – horizontal pairs
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Tk.2 +Tk.10: 80 stamps (40 sets )
Tk.4 + Tk.6: 80 stamps (40 sets)
Quantity Printed: 300,000 of each value
Designer: K.G. Mustafa
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes, Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Jessore, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Shiney quadri-folded paper with the four stamps illustrated on the cover on a blue background. All other printing is in black.

Note that the CCMs are not all solid squares.

91-16 Tk.6 Portrait of Kaikobad
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: None
Sheet: 80
Quantity Printed: 500,000
Designer: K.G.Mustafa
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Like many of the covers honoring individuals of the country, no English information is given on the cover. The only English is “FIRST DAY COVER”.
Pmks.: Bogra, Chittagong, Dhaka
Insert: White card stock printed in black. There is information in Bengali covering most of the back of the insert.

The stamp on the left is a used forgery of this issue. To the right is a genuine stamp, also used. These forgeries were made to be sold and used as postage, not to fool stamp collectors.

91-17 Tk.4 Portrait of poet superimposed in front of his home
a. double perforation at top of sheet
b. pair of stamps with portrait lighter in one stamp
c. fake dry print chemically created by Indian dealer
d. forgery
1 stamp
CCMs: Yes
Plate #: None
Sheet: 80
Quantity Printed: 1,000,000
Designer: Ahmed Fazlul Karim
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. A privately prepared cover also exists with a cachet was prepared in black. The cachet pictures his home and a circle at the bottom with a drawing of his head. Above the image is “50th Death Anniversary of /Poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941)/7th August 1991/22nd Shraban 1398”, in English. There is Bengali text at the bottom.
Pmks.: Bhola. (green), Dhaka (black, purple) , Ghoramara (red), Jhenidah, Khulna City (red), Kushtia (purple), Manikganj (green), Nardingdi, Nilphamari (red), Pabna (purple), Sirajgang (purple), Tangail (green)
Insert: Bi-folded shiny white paper, with text about the poet only in Bengali. The salient features of the stamp are in both Bengali and English. Printed in blue with an illustration of the stamp in the issued colors on the front. This insert is wider than most and will not fit inside the envelope, which means many of them were not kept with the cover and would be misplaced or discarded over time.

Two privately produced FDCs, one with a purple cancellation for Dhaka.

91-12 Tk.2 Petaurista petaurista (Flying squirrel)
91-13 Tk.4 Buceros bicornis (Monkey)
91-14 Tk.6 Presbytis entellus (Bird)
91-15 Tk.10 Manis crassicaudata (Animal)
4 stamps
Two pairs of se-tenant stamps – Tk.2+Tk.10 – vertical pairs and Tk.4+Tk.6 – horizontal pairs
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Tk.2 +Tk.10: 80 stamps (40 sets )
Tk.4 + Tk.6: 80 stamps (40 sets)
Quantity Printed: 300,000 of each value
Designer: K.G. Mustafa
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes, Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Jessore, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: Shiney quadri-folded paper with the four stamps illustrated on the cover on a blue background. All other printing is in black.

The cover directly above is a FDC made using the official envelop of the Sandhini organization. This envelop was used by them to mail out their pamphlets and information. The blue writing states that after death it is good to donate ones eyes. The red states that it is good to donate blood and that it can be done every four months.

91-20 Tk.2 Portrait of Zehad
a. missing “BANGLADESH” at the top of the stamp and value at bottom – multicolored
1 stamp
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 50
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Unknown ?
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Generic circular postmark DHAKA G.P.O. in Bangla at the top and English at the bottom. In the center circle, divided by horizontal line is the date in Bengali above it and English below it. Like many of the covers honoring cultural heroes, there is no English other than FIRST DAY COVER.
Pmks.: Dhaka

91-21 Tk.2 Hossain with writing on his chest in front of a crowd scene
1 stamp
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 300,000
Designer: K.G. Mustafa
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Circular generic postmark. Dhaka GPO in Bengali at the top of the circle and in English at the bottom. In the center circle, separated by a horizontal line is the date in Bengali above the line and English below the line.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Narsingdi. (No special postmark)

The forgery of this stamp is on the left, with a genuine stamp on the right.

Miscut sheet with the Two languages at the bottom. The Bengali should be at the top.
91-22 Tk.4 Bronze stupa with images of Buddha
a. shade variety- lighter yellow
91-23 Tk.4 Utinsils (Bowl and ewer)
a. shade variety – lighter yellow
b. forgery
91-24 Tk.4 Ruins of Salban Vihara Monastery
a. shade variety – lighter yellow
91-25 Tk.4 Gold coins – (coins look like bronze)
a. shade variety – coins almost yellow
91-26 Tk.4 Terra cotta plaque of animal head
a. shade variety – head is lighter in color
5 stamps – horizontal strip of five stamps
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 25 (5 strips of five different designs)
Quantity Printed: 1,000,000 sets
Designer: Mahbub Akand
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: Large, shiney white paper, tri-folded brochure with color image of the sheet of stamps on the front with all other printing in black.

A strip of the stamps from a misperfed sheet.

Two sizes of envelopes exist for this First Day Cover. evidently the first one was so large it was replaced by the smaller one. The larger size is the scarcer one.

Two proposed designs for the stamp.

91-27 Tk.4 Drawing of people rebelling
1 stamp
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100
Quantity Printed: 300,000
Designer: Md. Muniruzzaman
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka
Insert: White card stock, printed in blacK.

Sheet 1
91-28 Tk.2 A.N.M. Chowdhury
91-29 Tk.2 Ghyasuddin Ahmad
91-30 Tk.2 S.M.A. Rashidul Hasan
91-31 Tk.2 Muhammad Anwar Pasha
91-32 Tk.2 Dr. Md. Mortaza
5 labels
91-33 Tk.2 Shaheed Saber
91-34 Tk.2 Fazlur Rahman Khan
91-35 Tk.2 Ranada Prasad Saha
91-36 Tk.2 Adhyaksha Joges Chandra Ghose
91-37 Tk.2 Santosh Chandra Bhattacharyya.

Sheet 2
91-38 Tk.2 Dr. Gobinda Chandra Deb
91-39 Tk.2 A.N.M. Muniruzzaman
91-40 Tk.2 Mafazzal Haider Chaudhury
91-41 Tk.2 Dr. Abdul Alim Choudhury
91-42 Tk.2 Sirajuddin Hossain
5 labels
91-43 Tk.2 Shahidulla Kaiser
91-44 Tk.2 Altaf Mahmud
91-45 Tk.2 Dr. Jyotirmay Guha Thakurta
91-46 Tk.2 Dr. Md. Abul Khair
91-47 Tk.2 Dr. Serajul Haque Khan.

Sheet 3
91-48 Tk.2 Dr. Mohammad Fazle Rabbi
91-49 Tk.2 Mir Abdul Quyyum
91-50 Tk.2 A.N.M. Golam Mostafa
91-51 Tk.2 Dhirendranath Dutta
91-52 Tk.2 S.A. Mannan (Ladu Bhaij)
5 labels
91-53 Tk.2 Nizamuddin Ahmad
91.54 Tk.2 Abul Bashar Chowdhury
91-55 Tk.2 Selina Parveen
91-56 Tk.2 Dr. Abul Kalam Azad
91-57 Tk.2 Saidul Hassan.
30 stamps and 15 labels (Ten different stamps and five labels per sheet). Two horizontal rows of five different designs, one above the other, separated by a row of five labels

Sheet 3 (91-48a – 91-57a) with the horizontal perforations shifted downward.

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 10 and 5 labels
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: (1) Pranesh Kumar Mondal: Dr. Md. Abul Khair, Ghyasuddin Ahmad, Rashidul Hasan, Anwar Pasha, Dr. Md. Mortaza, Shahid Saber, Fazlur Rahman Khan, Ranada Prasad Saha, Adhyaksha Joges Chandra Ghose, Santosh Chandra Bhattacharyya. (2) Ahmed F. Karim: Dr. Jyotirmay Guha Thakurta, Mir Abdul Quyyum, ANM Golam Mostafa, Dhirerandra Nath Dutta, SA Mannan, Nizamuddin Ahmad, Abul Bashar Chowdhury, Selina Parveen, Dr. Abul Kalam Azad, Saidul hassan. (3) KG Mustafa: ANM Munier Chowdhury, Muniruzzaman, Mufazzal haider Chowdhury, Dr. Gobinda Chandra Deb, Sirajuddin Hossain, Shahidullah Kaiser, Dr. Abdul Alim Chowdhury, Dr. Fazle Rabbi, Altaf Mahmud, Dr. Serajul Haque Khan
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark (A small circle with large spokes which made it possible to cancel the center label and yet cancel the stamps above, below and at the sides at the same time). A large cover but one which made it necessary to remove the outer edges of the sheets before attaching the stamps and labels from each sheet as one unit. (27.5 x 14.5cm., 10 7/8 x 5 3/4 inches). A larger envelope also exists with the same commemorative postmark.
Pmks. – smaller envelope: Barisal, Dhaka
Pmks. – larger envelope: Rangpur
Insert: Booklet – 36 pages, plus covers. The booklets have been printed on two types of paper. One is whiter and a better quality. These were probably made for presentation to officials.
Additional: The margins of the sheets have a continuous line of gold colored writing with “Shaheed (Martyrd) Intellectual” and the year, in Bengali, outlined by two thick black bands. All stamps are chestnut and black in color.
The First Day Covers exist on the two different and sizes of envelopes. Only one sheet is shown here with the large envelope. On the back flap of the envelope, only on the large envelopes, is a second line of text in Bengali and English stating “Cover Illustration – Slaughter ground at Rayer Bazar, Dhaka”.

91-58 Tk.6 Left side of se-tenant pair – Penaeus monodon
91-59 Tk.6 Right stamp of se-tenant pair – Metapenaeus Monoceros
2 stamps – horizontal strip of two different designs
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 100 (50 of each design)
Quantity Printed: 300,000 of each value
Designer: Pranesh Kumar Mandal
Printer: The Security Printing Corp. (Bangladesh), Ltd., Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka
Insert: White card stock, printed in black.