Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga Definitives (Link)
Rejected Design
Layout Design

88-1 Tk3 Woman with crops
88-2 Tk.5 Woman milking cow
2 stamps

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 50
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: K.G. Mustafa
Printer: Mezhdunarodnava Kniga, U.S.S.R.
FDC: Yes. Commemorative pmk.
Pmks.: Dhaka

Original Essay

Presentation folder for the Asian Games that took place in Seul, South Korea.

88-3 Tk.5 Shooting
88-4 Tk.5 Women’s tennis
88-5 Tk.5 Mens weight lifting
88-6 Tk.5 Men’s basketball
88-7 Tk.5 Boxing
5 stamps – horizontal strip of five different stamps

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 25 (5 strips of five different stamps)
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: K. G. Mustafa
Printer: Mezhdunarodnava Kniga, USSR
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Noakhali
Insert: White card stock, printed in black.

This cover is a “Presentation Cover”. It is on white paper and was given to dignitaries and important people. The envelopes sold in the Post offices were on a darker, lower quality paper.

Top: This is the original drawing for the proposed commemorative postmark for the Archaeological Relics of Bangladesh first day cover. At the top is the writing on the outside of the folded paper. Below that are the three proposed designs. The Center design (#2) with the two check marks was the chosen design. Note that the date in the upper and lower design is “’87”. Evidently the date was changed as it was issued in “’88” and written to the right of the accepted design is written “’88” as a correction. The paper pasted over it has the correction. Below that is the cancellation for Chittagong and below that the one for Dhaka. Note that the Dhaka writing is larger than that of Chittagong.

88-8 Tk.1 Shait Gumbaz Mosque, Bagerhat
88-9 Tk.4 Paharpur Monastery
88-10 Tk.5 Kantanagar Temple, Dinajpur
88-11 Tk.10 Lalbag Fort, Dacca
4 stamps

Plate #:
Sheet: 50
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahbub Akand and Bakir Uddin Sarder
Printer: Mezhdunarodnava Kniga, USSR
FDC: Yes. Commemorative pmk. There is a smaller sized envelope with the same design that was not issued, but a few covers are known. The stamps cover part of the printed design on these covers.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Rangpur (purple)

The top cover was made using an “unissued” envelope. While the design is the same, the size of the envelope was too small for the stamps. The unissued envelope measures approximately 17.4 x 105 cms. and the issued envelope 10 x 112. It seems that envelopes created for events that do not take place, or that have changes in the design or size, often make it to the market and are eagerly sought after by collectors. In this instance the person used it for making a FDC.

It is not known, to the author, if other cards exist for the other stamps in the set. This is the only one seen to date.

88-12 Tk.5 Red Cross and Red Crescent with portrait
a. major perforation shift – “BANGLADESH” in both languages at the bottom of stamp
b. major perforation shift – as above, but no Bengali “BANGLADESH” and value at bottom of stamp
88-13 Tk.10 Blood donation
2 stamps
CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheets: 50
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahbub Akand and Nurul Islam
Printer: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, USSR
FDC: Yes. Generic postmark unlike any other of the FDCs – Bengali at the top/date in Bengali and English/Dhaka GPO
Pmk.: Chittagong (purple), Dhaka, Dhaka Sadar, Jessore, Rangpur (purple)
Insert: White card stock printed in black. Quantity of stamps printed not given.
Additional: Proof cards with stamps.

An inscription transposed (due to a misperforation) block of four of the Tk.5 value of the 125th Anniversary of the Red Cross and Red Crescent set of two stamps. The upper two stamps of the block could pass as normal if one did not know what a normal stamp looked like. This variety is quite common as nearly 100 sheets were found with the perforation error, and is frequently offered in large panes or full sheets. It is best to collect a block with the bottom two stamps that have some of the inscription missing. There are obviously fewer of the bottom stamps as this image only occurs on the bottom row
Original Essay

88-14 Tk.1 Single man playing
88-15 Tk.5 Man batting
88-16 Tk.10 Catcher
3 stamps – horizontal strip of three stamps

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 60 (20 sets)
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahbub Akand
Printer: Mezhdunarodnava Kniga, U.S.S.R.
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark. Postmark also found in purple.
Pmks.: Bogra, Chittagong (black, purple), Dhaka Sardar (purple), Dhaka, Jessore, Noakhali (purple), Rajshahi (purple), Rangamati (purple), Rangpur (purple)

88-17 Tk.5 Portrait of Dr. Khuda in laboratory
1 stamp

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 50
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Pranesh Kumar Mandal
Printer: Mezhdunarodnava Kniga, U.S.S.R.
FDC: Yes. Circular generic postmark with Bengali and English “Dhaka GPO (Bengali/3 November, 1988 (in Bengali and English between two lines)/Dhaka GPO (English)”
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna (purple), Rangpur (purple)

Essays from Russia for this issue. Note that they are perforated, finished stamps stuck on a presentation card.

88-18 Tk.3 Logo, workers, factory and technician – yellow panel at bottom
88-19 Tk.10 Logo, workers, factory and technician – violet panel at bottom
2 stamps

CCMs: Yes
Plate #: No
Sheet: 50
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: K. G. Mustafa
Printer: Mezhdunarodnava Kniga, U.S.S.R.
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, International Conference Centre P.O. (Dhaka) – on site postmark, Mymensingh

The above folder was preparted for those who attended the Conference. The folder included a First Day Cover and an insert. Note that the cancellation is different from that used elsewhere for the First Day.

The original mock-up/drawing for the commemorative cancellation for the November 29, 1988 Colombo Plan FDC. This cancelling device was used at the site of the converence as there is a different cancellation for the city of Chittagong. The faint writing above it is in pencil and states the size – 2 1/2″ (inches). The image and writing are pasted in. The actual size of the mock-up is 5 inches.
Note the two different cancellations used on the First Day Covers. The top cancellation was the on-site cancellation for the conference, the next one is the regular Dhaka cancellation and the lower one from Chittagong.
Adopted Design
Essay of stamp printed in Russia. Note that in the issued stamp the mountain on the left and the construction on the right just above the roof line of the building have been removed.

88-20 Tk.1 Exterior view – blue panel at bottom
88-21 Tk.5 Interior view – chestnut colored panel at bottom
2 stamps

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 40
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Mahbub Akond
Printer: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, USSR.
FDC: Yes. Two types of cancellations used.
Pmks.: Normal – Chittagong, Dhaka. Fancy – Dhaka
Insert: White card stock, printed in black
Additional: Proof card with stamp.

Two cancellations exist for this first day Cover. The fancier cancellation is believed to have been used on the presentation covers given as gifts to officials and guests. It is the rarer of the two.
The overprint is shifted to the left in the above pair of stamps.

88-22 Tk.5 Black overprint on stamp with deer and Boy Scout logo
a. overprint double
b. overprint inverted
c. overprint shifted left
d. larger number 5, or a pair of the two sizes (horizontal or vertical)
1 stamp
Plate #: No
Sheet: 50
Quantity Overprinted: Unknown
Designer: Ahmed Fazlul Karim
Printer: Bruder Rosenbaum, Austria
Printer of overprint: Postal Printing Press, Tongi, Gazipur
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Dhaka, Mouchak (purple) – on site cancellation

The top image is of the upper left part of a sheet of the overprinted stamp. All overprints have the same size “5” in it. The bottom image shows the upper part of the same row, in the early overprinted sheet, but the three left stamps have a larger “5”. After a hand full of sheets were printed the difference in the sizes of the number 5 were noticed and corrected and the printing continued. The few sheets with the large number 5, were not pulled and destroyed, but distributed to the post office along with the corrected sheets. This variety is scarce as it only occurred three times in a hand full of sheets.

The Scout cover exists with different shades of the envelope and slightly different cancellations. The bottom cover is the common one and the color is a darker cream color. The cancellation is worn and looks like a rubber stamp after it has been used for a long time. The letters are smudged and wider. The top cover is white in color and the cancellation is very clean and neat. It was probably a presentation cover. Both cancellations are the same size.

STAMP PACK FOR YEAR 1988: Contains 21 stamps
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