1 Feb. 1972 – Unissued – Set of 15 stamps with the same images as the 10p, R1 and R5 stamps of the first set of stamps.
A totally faked cover with part of the unapproved 15 value set of stamps. The cover does have examples of the three designs used. These covers were privately produced and sold as genuine.

The complete set was rejected by the Post Office and was not officially issued. The stamps of this set are instantly recognizable from the above issued and unissued stamps as “Bangladesh” is written as one word. On the previously issued stamps it was written as “Bangla Desh”.

72-1un 1p Flag with Silouette of Bangladesh in the center
72-2un 2p Flag with Silouette of Bangladesh in the center
72-3un 3p Flag with Silouette of Bangladesh in the center
72-4un 5p Flag with Silouette of Bangladesh in the center
72-5un 7p Flag with Silouette of Bangladesh in the center
72-6un 10p Map
72-7un 15p Map
72-8un 20p Sheikh Mujib
72-9un 25p Map
72-10un 40p Map
72-11un 50p Sheikh Mujib
72-12un 75p Map
72-13un Tk.1 Sheikh Mujib
72-14un Tk.2 Sheikh Mujib
72-15un Tk.5 Sheikh Mujib
15 Stamps

Plate #:?
Quantity Printed: Unknown
Designer: Unknown
Printer: Format International Security Printing Press, U.K.
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark
Pmks.: Dacca
Insert: None

From this point on the Postal Department began to use commemorative postmarks for the First Day Covers of the commemorative issues, rather than the old circular cancellors. The few FDCs of the definitives that individual collectors made, all have the circular FDC cancellation.

72-1 20p Monument – green and pink
1 Stamp

CCMs: No
Plate #: No
Sheet: 35
Quantity Printed: 1,000,000*
Designer: B.P. Chitonish
Printer: Security Printing Press, Nasik, India
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark – two different. Large postmark with no circle. Has city name at top, date below and a black star below that. Slogan to the right within lines.
Small: Dacca. Postmark in Bangla.
Large: Dacca Sardar. Postmark in Bangla.
Insert: Large bi-folded shiney white paper printed in black with a red and black cover with a photograph on the cover and the inside.

*The printing order to Nasik was for 45,800 sheets (x 35 = 1,603,000, which is more than the one million stated.)
Additional: There is no Post Office logo printed on the back of any of the envelopes for this issue.

A rare, full sheet of this issue. Most of the sheets of the early stamps have been broken up and are seldom seen.
The top two are similar in form, but there is a difference. The bottom cover has a totally different form of cancellation. The covers are FDCs of the first Commemorative issue of the country, honoring the Martyrs of the Language Movement, 1952. The date of issue was 21 February, 1972. The top cover was cancelled in the city of Khulna, the middle cover at the Dacca Sarder post office and the bottom cover at the Dacca general post office.
This cancelation has the wrong date in the bottom right side of the cancelation. It state “23”, instead of “26” as the numbers in the circular part of the cancellation.
Above is the accepted design for the First Day Cover.

Rare First Day Cover for the set of three 1st Anniversary Independence Day issue of 26 March, 1972. The cover is rare because of the cachet. It is a privately printed cachet. It is believed it was produced by an Indian dealer.

The cachets above are the same with the one on the left missing the black. What is unusual is that this cachet was not issued. This was a rejected design. While there is only one stamp from the set on the cover on the right, that is not that unusual as in the early days of the country many collectors did not have the money for the cost of the entire set of stamps. Additionally, people who were not collectors would often want a souvenir of the event and have such covers made.

72-2 20p Flame -maroon background
72-3 60p Flame – dark blue background
72-4 75p Flame – purple background
3 Stamps

Plate #:
Sheet: 35
Quantity Printed: 1,000,000 per stamp*
Designer: Nitun Kundu
Printer: Security Printing Press, Nasik, India
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong – individual stamps also found on separate covers., Dacca, Khulna
Insert: ?

*The order to Nasik was for 28,600 sheets each for the 20p and 60p. stamps. For the 75p. stamp it was for 29,400 sheets (x 35 = 1,001,000 for the two lower values and 1,029,000 for the high value.)
Additional: This is the first use of the printed Post Office logo on the flap of the back of the envleope.

Click on link to see presentation booklet.

Major Errors: First Day Cover. (Photo Courtesy Arup Kumar Saha Facebook page) 



72-5 20p Doves above sunrise – multicoloreed
a. imperforate
72-6 60p Doves above sunrise – multicolored
a. imperforate
72-7 75p Doves above sunrise – multicolored
a. imperforate
3 Stamps
Plate #:
Sheet: 50
Quantity Printed: 500,000 of each value
Designer: K.G. Mustafa
Printer: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., UK
FDC: Yes. Commemorative postmark.
Pmks.: Chittagong, Dacca, Jessore (Individual stamps On individual covers), Rajshahi
Insert: Tri-folded cream colored paper (possibly white but aged), printed in black with the cover in a red, pink and black. The P.O. logo is in the red at the bottom of the back, center page.

Additional: Imperforates were not sold to the public

Cover missing the red in the cachet.
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