8 – 12 April – “6th South Asian Rotaract Conference, Rotasia 2000”. One cover with the same postmark that has the date “8-12 April 2000”. Only three covers exist with the “R” missing in the logo in the cancellation. Mr Al-Arefin Khan made them at the post office early in the morning and while he was there the postmaster came and took the canceller and stated there was an error in it. It was later corrected and these covers are the only covers known to exist with this error. The cover is very appealing visually due to the choice of stamps used. One is the tiger and the other a Rotary stamp.
9 October – “World Post Day 2000”.
10 November – “Inaugural Test Match of Bangladesh vs India”.
A privately printed cachet made by Dr. Aleem Al Razee Khan.
6 – 12 November – “National Philatelic Week 2001” and “Philex 01”. The same envelope with seven different cancellations, one for each day of the event. The first cancellation is in the upper right corner, moveing down and then to the left, with the last one at the left bottom. Someone put all the cancellations on one envelope without a stamp.
Proposed design for a special cover – Unissued – 30 Years of SOS Children’s Village in Bangladesh. The 50th Anniversary of the organization was celebrated on 23 June 1999. See that date for the cover that was issued.
The cover above is missing the text at the top left, above the image, around the Rotary image and between the text at the bottom.

3 May – “Sow the Seeds of Love”, Rotary Club of Dhaka. Cancellations known in black, purple, red, light blue, and green. This cover has a shift in the yellow.

A cachet missing the black printing over the blue, at the top, and totally missine at the bottom of the cachet.
19 – 21 December “ROVERPEX 2002” Scout cover. The cancellation also exists in red. The same envelope but with three different cancellations.
A rejected proposed design for the cachet for this issue.
Proposed cancellations and varieties of each design. The one with the check mark (Bottom right) was the one selected and used.
8 February – “ICC Cricket World Cup, South Africa 2003”. Dhaka cancellation known in black. light blue, purple, green, and red.
Top images shows proposed cancellations for the stamp exhibition. The second image is the accepted designs for Rajshahi and Dhaka.
7 March – “RAJPEX 2003” stamp exhibition organised by the Philatelists Society of Rajshahi, A shiny white paper insert exists for this cover, printed in black. Dhaka cancellations known in black, light blue, purple, green, and red. Also known from Rajshahi
29 – 31 May – National Stamp Day, “Childpex). One cover with three different cancellations, one for each day. This is the first time a Special Cover had information printed on the back of the envelope. The information was printed in blue, for the 29th, red for the 30th, and black for the 31st. One color for each day.
21 – 27 July “25th Anniversary of Bangladesh National Philatelic Association”. One envelope with seven different cancellations, one for each day of the event. Due to the quality of the paper, various shades of the covers exist. The above cancellation for the 21st states “Collect Bangladesh Stamps”. Because of the quality of the paper and the small text in the postmarks, it is often difficult to read the date in the postmark. The cancellations look very similar and are as follows: 22nd, “Enrich Your Knowledge/Through Philately”; 25th (?), “Collection of Stamps/Promotes Education and Savings”; 27th, “Collecting Stamps/a Fascinating Hobby”;(?), “Stamps is [sic] the Window of the World”; ?, “Get the Habit of Collecting Stamps”; (?), and “Stamps [sic] collecting/a King of Hobbies and/Hobby of Kings”.
The top cover is missing the green color in the cachet and the one directly above has the red color shifted to the left.
13 – 19 February – “16th Rover Moot 2004” Scout cover. Only one cover was created with one cancellation, with only the dates changed for each day of the event, in the cancellation.
The above cover has the black printing of the cachet shifted on an angle.
16 April – “Shere-e-Bangla Agricultural University Rover Group (Agri Rovers)” Scout cover. Postmarks were prepared for the three day event, but due to political unrest the event was only held for one day. Three different cancellations were prepared (Only the date was changed for each day). Only two sets of covers, prepared by Al-Arefin Khan, are known to exist with the two postmarks for the cancelled dates.
12-22 August – “OLYMPHILEX 2004.” I have been told after posting this image that it is a private cachet, AND CANCELLATION, and not produced by the Post Office. On closer examination there is no city, the only date is 12 – 22 August 2004 in the postmark, making the entire cover a fake. To date it has only been seen being sold by one Indian dealer who bought it from a Bangladesh dealer who is known for dealing in fakes and created items.
28 – 29 December – BIJOYPEX. One envelope created with two different cancellations.
19 April – A privately printed cachet with the BAPEX-2005 cancellation.
19 – 22 – “BAPEX-2005”. Even thought BAPEX lasted four days, the special cover cancellation was only used on the one date. Other covers with this cancellation and other dates do not exist.
12 – 13 November “13th SAARC Summit, Dhaka”. Although the conference lasted two days, the special cover only exists for one day and date.

3 July 2006 – Commissioning Ceremony of Automatic Letter Sorting Machine 2006″.
Also known from Barisol.

1 December – “Mobile Phone Based Services in Rural Post Offices”.
22 July – “Total Solar Eclipse”. This cover is from Dhaka but covers are also known from Ponchagarh H.O, the only site in Bangladesh where the eclipse could be seen. It is believed that no other sites had the special cancellation and covers. The Ponchagarh cancellation is very scarce as not many were made.
9 – 11 January – “Philex ’10”. One envelope with three different cancellations, one for each day of the event. The bottom cover has an additional marking. See Commemorative Cancellations, 25 February 2010, for an additional postmark honoring Mr. Khan.
18 – 20 August – “Bangabandhupex”.
5 – 6 December – “Geriatric Cardiology Conference”. One cover and one cancellation for the two-day conference. The cancellation has both dates in it, “5-6”. For some unknown reason the cover states “FIRST DAY COVER”, which is an error, as no stamp was issued.
29 July – “29th Stamp Day” – Only cancelled at Dacca.
15 September – “150th Anniversary of Birth of Mother Teresa”. Note that the top flap of the envelope was printed in two different colors. The red was the first issue and is the scarcer. It is believed that only between 200 – 300 were printed and they sold out within minutes. They then reprinted them but mistakingly used blue on the back of the envelope. The blue is the second issue and is more common. The covers illustrated here were canceled at Dhaka, even though the Chittigong Philatelic Organization was an organizer of the event. The cover exists, cancelled with the red, first printing from Chittagong.
A privately printed envelope for the Mother Teresa Birth Anniversary. The portrait of Mother Teresa is on a thick fabric with the image printed on it and then glued to the envelope. It was created by the Chittagong Philatelic Association and is cancelled at Chittagong.
Envelope and postmark designed by Mushfiqul Haque 4 – 6 April “Bangladesh Numismatic Collectors Society (BNCS).”
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